I ran into the article in the newspaper (of course, online edition) about how wireless carriers in hurricane prone Florida are preparing to stand up to the storm? Well, they are planning on using Cows
and Goats
Well, not exactly these...
That's what they wrote about in yesterday's newspaper «To handle the load, wireless carriers are turning to time-tested disaster plans – but on an exponential scale. The gates will be released on a barnyard-dubbed herd of backup support: cells on wheels (COWS), cells on light trucks (COLTS) and generators on trailers (GOATS).»
It reminds me of a mouse.
Used to be this:
And now it is this:
Meneer Zjeroen (Cow), andrusdevelopment (Goat), BRAYDAWG (Real Mouse), B a m s h a d (Computer Mouse) via Flickr.com under Creative Commons License