When Searching for New Jersey foreclosures, whats the best way to go about it? There are a lot of websites out there that claim to have the information you are looking for, but are you getting the most accurate and up to date information? What about properties that are being foreclosed on as we speak?
As a Certified Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource, as designated by the National Association of Realtors, I can help you seek out the right property for you. Whether you are an investor looking for your next project, or a first time homebuyer looking to buy a short sale or foreclosure for instant equity, I can help.
Healy Realtors works with over 160 Banks nationwide listing their foreclosures for them. Whats that mean for you? We have access to the banks inventory FIRST, and so will you. We have sold over 300 Foreclosed properties in the last 35 months alone.
Short Sales and Foreclosures are non-traditional transactions that take a certain level of expertise. One mis-step could cause a deal to fall apart. It is imperative that when interviewing agents that may be involved in a distressed sale that you ask the following questions:
1)Have you dealt with Short Sales or Foreclosures in the past?
2) Can you show me the closed MLS Sheets of your last 5 Bank owned deals?
3) Do you work with other professionals (attorneys, etc), that are also well versed in these transactions?
4) Do you List properties for the Banks? (This will help in knowing both sides of the transaction process)
All of this information will help you locate, bid on and purchase a foreclosure. Make sure you are using the right professionals to guide you!
Contact me if you have any questions.
Steven Libman
Broker Salesperson
Certified Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource