
Bank-Owned Foreclosures & Home Inspections

Home Inspector with Maryland Home Inspection Services, Inc.
Today’s housing market is full of Bank-owned foreclosures as a result of the economy as well as many other factors. Most of these homes are being sold “As Is”. I am hearing from many clients that their agents are telling them that a Home Inspection is not necessary since the home is an “As Is”. This is absolutely absurd and wrong information to be telling the prospective buyers, as a matter of fact it is really the opposite in my opinion. Due to the fact that many of these homes have had their home maintenance neglected for sometime is even more cause and concern for a good thorough professional home inspection. As a potential buyer of a foreclosed property which is not going to have much (if any) home maintenance information included with it, wouldn’t you want to know as much information about the condition of the property as you can? Wouldn’t you won’t to know how safe the property is? how many different items will need repairs or replacements right off the bat just to get the structure in good habitable and safe condition ? A professional Home Inspector won’t tell you exactly how much money the repairs will cost you, but they will be able to give you a very good report on the condition of the property so that you can use that information in making a better educated decision and assessment of the property. After having the Inspection and going over the report and discussing it with your inspector you will have a better understanding of the property and then can make a better educated choice of the direction you want to go. An “As Is” property can be a great way to go for some people and not the best way to go for others. Either way a professional Home Inspection is well worth the money and a very good starting point for such a large decision. I could go on and on about the reasons why ALL properties whether foreclosures or not should have a professional home inspection performed before buying it. As a matter of fact I really cannot think of even one reason why you should not have it inspected. I think that any agent that advises their client not to have a home inspection before purchasing the property is giving wrong, bad and misguided information and is really only looking out for their own agenda of selling the home with no regard for the best interest of their client. As a Licensed, Professional, Certified Maryland Home Inspector I have only one agenda on my plate and that is to provide all my clients with the real deal regarding their potential new home. No sugar coating, no fluff, but the truth and nothing but the truth as that is what they are paying me for and what they expect and deserve. We go by a saying here “It Is What It Is” Visit Our Main Website To Learn More About Maryland Home Inspections
Steve Stenros
Poway,La Jolla,Del Mar,Mira Mesa,Carlsbad,Escondido,Temecula - San Diego, CA
CREIA MCI, ICC, ACI Home Inspector,San Diego

Good post, Jim! I agree! Foreclosed homes are definitely in need of a thorough home inspection!

(Put some paragraphs in your next blog for easier reading.)

Jun 17, 2011 02:30 AM
Jim Keilson
Maryland Home Inspection Services, Inc. - Gaithersburg, MD
Specializing in Mold and Radon Gas Testing.

Thanks Steve, this topic has been really bugging me lately as a few clients (buyers) have told me that their agents told them they are wasting their time and money on a GOOD Home Inspection since the house is an as is ? I completely dissagree with that and think those agents are 110% wrong. That is really bad advice to be giving out.

Jun 17, 2011 02:49 AM
Not a real person
San Diego, CA

Just stopped by to say that I

Happy Fourth of July!

Jul 04, 2011 06:25 AM