Helping Out While Checking Out - A 2-Way Pay It Forward
Some folks may say that there aren't many "nice guys" out there these days....well head on over to Shaws SuperMarket in Milford, NH and you just may run into quite a few. I was there on Friday and was burning up the grocery isles as quickly as humanly possible to grab supplies for Julia's graduation party. I was also playing "beat the clock" since Helena's nap time was fast approaching. The later it got, the more Helena's "Help You" plea became "HELP Y-OOO-UUUUU!!" at a higher and higher volume level.
15 Items...or MORE
As we rounded the final isle headed toward the line of checkout counters, only two check-out line were open for the over-15-items crowd. Both had several customers. I pulled in behind someone who must have been grocery shopping for the month. Wow that cart was full. Helena spotted balloons AND candy, so in addition to "Help YOOOUUUU", I got "BA-NOON!! BA-NOON!!".
Please, after you
Mr. Once-a-Month-Shopper turned and asked, "Would you like to go ahead of me?" WOW, you bet I would. He was super nice and chatted with Helena while I unloaded my buggy. While I fished through my wallet for my rewards card and credit card, I spotted a Shaw's coupon for $10 off any grocery total order over $100. My order only came to $80, but I was sure that my new friend chatting with Helena had a cart well over $100.
As my items were bagged, I handed our new friend my $10 coupon and thanked him again for letting me checkout ahead of him. He was surprised and very appreciative. The clerk said, "Oh, that's a great Pay It Forward, see what happens when you do something nice?" I agreed and told them both that I write a blog post every week about PIF and it keeps the whole concept front and center in my daily interactions with folks. They LOVED the idea of a weekly blog post on PIF, so I shared my site with them.
All in all, we had three PIFs all in one grocery line encounter. Hurrah!
Photo Credit: Flickr - Laura Mary