
A timeless Reflection on a very Personal note

Real Estate Agent with Northwood Realty Services

I cannot imaging anyone looking at the sky and denying God. — Abraham Lincoln. ..

.God  knows exactly where you are...try not to blink...try hold your breath for any period of time ...yes He knows every hair on your head..every breath you take & every blink of the eyes....He knows...He allows.........that is why we are never alone..what a comforting truth.

I sat in church Sunday and listened to the sermon about how we  become very complacent , very comfortable and miss this nearness  of our God. We are a busy people much involved in the world that surrounds us.

I drove to the office this morning on a  tree lined street & God moment thoughts flooded my brain.The God moment when I felt my baby daughter growing inside me...then holding her for the first that's a God moment..and what a gift.

The first time I held my new baby grandsons ...looked into their beautiful newborn faces & understood what I have heard "When you look into a child face you see the face of God"...truly a God moment. Many happy God moments came to mind...some sad...very sad...but God was there  and I was where I had to be..

..there was the day......when

I was called to list a home.  I sat across the table from a very fragile, gentle, soft spoken man.  His wife left the room to find the survey to the property, this elderly man whispers to me " June, will you see my wife through the sale of my see I have a brain tumor and I am dying.  I may not make it"    I did.........but he never made it........

I Never think about God Moments that I don't remember Betty at the nursing home...what a series of God moments that was ....Blog about it sometime back ...Strawberry Milkshake...a new awareness of how lonely loneliness really is

My God moment when I held my dad's hand then my husbands hand as they were being taken to their heavenly home. My God moment came when my mom suddenly threw a blot clot & died after surgery and I could not pray...I could NOT pray...but my God moment was that God knew my pain and touched me with his peace & acceptance.

At   the cemetery days later...the hymn " All is well with my soul "came out of no where softly from a car radio ..God letting me know my mom was we are never alone..not ever..again,....what a comforting truth

All these God moments...some happy...some sad ...but non the less they are moments that awakes  you to God power, His gifts, His love. His Goodness and His Nearness.

I had just attended spiritual workshop and somehow ended up on a involuntary 3 day fast...just could not all I did  not know what was happening.

My husband and I planned this trip after the workshop.  I was parked in my car waiting for him to come out of a store.  There happened to be a grove of trees next to the building as I sat there the strangest thing happened....I closed my eyes to rest them & when I opened them......the leaves on the trees were magnified.  The trees were at least a couple car lengths away...but I could see these leaves on the trees as though looking through powerful  zoom lens.  The veins of the leaves were predominate....every vein..the trees were so  beautiful..believe me I questioned my sanity. 

My husband came out of the store & we continued our trip.  It was a beautiful summer drive through the mountains...again...My God moment..

The clouds were so close to the car I think if you would climb to the top of a ladder you could touch them. I looked at my husband to see if he noticed how close to earth the clouds were but he with his " Rascal Flats " voice was singing along with the radio.. I said nothing just enjoyed my God moment His singing & those magnificent clouds...I have always said even the trees give glory to God . Their branches stretch  high to the heaven...except for the weeping doubt why it is weeping

.I have shared this story with only a few people & why I am sharing it beyond me..maybe it is to give hope to someone who needs it...maybe it is to give fill the void in some ones life that no one cares ...someone cares are never alone.  God has promised that we would never be alone or forsaken ....... look for those God moments ..


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June Lewis
Northwood Realty Services - New Castle, PA
Realtor Northwood Realty - New Castle,Pa Lawrence Co 7247304571

I wrote this blog a yr ago & discovered it had been in draft mode all this it should have been....I am posting this tonight New Years Eve 2012 to maybe touch a heart that has been going through a difficult time, to give hope, that we are never alone. My hope it that who ever reads this will feel God's presence now and in the New Year  I hope there was a reason why it wasn't posted a year ago....maybe because it was very personal to me...but if it can help one person...I will be thankful

Dec 31, 2012 07:34 AM
Mike Frazier
Carousel Realty of Dyer County - Dyersburg, TN
Northwest Tennessee Realtor

June, it will be so exciting to be in the presence of the Lord and in constant praise. I had a guy tell me to help him sell his farm and buy his wife a house because he too had cancer. The Lord in His timing sold the house and purchased them another house 2 weeks before his death. God is good!

Jan 04, 2013 07:27 AM
June Lewis
Northwood Realty Services - New Castle, PA
Realtor Northwood Realty - New Castle,Pa Lawrence Co 7247304571

Thanks Mike for the response...God is Good!!!!!!!!!! He puts you where you need to be to do the things that need to be done


Jan 05, 2013 09:24 AM
Michael Elliott
Fathom Realty - Burlington Township, NJ
Burlington, New Jersey Residential Sales

June, this was a lovely post, and certainly resonates with me.  Well done.

Jun 21, 2024 02:54 AM