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Tann Starr Sketchbook Chronicles: Kim Harrison cartoon: Big Al - Painting: Kim

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Tann Starr Sketchbook Chronicles: Kim Harrison cartoon: Big Al - Painting: Kim


Carolyn Tann Starr 2011

Yeah, I know I'm supposed to be doing pixies and posting them in the Kim-Stream but I am having a wee people summer invasion over here. The kids in Flushing Meadows have my sketchbook and every time I start drawing a little bugger asks me to sketch them instead. Looks like they're going to be the boss of me until dinner time (approximately one hour left - grin).

To think I thought only my relatives and girlfriends treated me like a police sketch artist (sigh). Now 5 year olds are doing it (LOL).

I tried distracting them with sharing some art supplies so I can work. What started out as being the cool neighbor with three kids to entertain turned into an impromptu babysitting gig where the unrepentant stroller brigade invaded my blanket when they discovered free snack-age (LOL). "Who are you and why is your hand in my cooler?" gets me nothing but laughter or tooth missing grins. After all everyone else is doing it, eh?

This is what happens when you are an adult trying to draw pixies in public. Word gets out with the Disney crew and no one takes you seriously especially if you're eating PB&J while doing it.

It's one of my favorite park snacks! Are we really going to hold this little culinary factoid hostage against me? Geez... (LOL). Note to self: bring more park art supplies and snack-age because children have mad interpersonal communication skills when they want something and will take over your laptop if you have an air card and Netflix. If your cooler is red expect a child to open it. They know what it's for (LOL).

P.S. their parents will let them if they read your blog and know who your kids are. Yup. It's true. I have a soft spot for all things kindergarten. ;-)

At least I did Big Al this morning in peace and relative quiet. Gotta go. I'm in the middle of gigglefest over here and the shorties want MY laptop back. OMG - it's like dealing with the Sandbox Mafia (LMAO). Pray for me and my pixie painting quest because I have to figure out how to draw friggin' pixies. My gal pals want to date the cartoons in my head so I'm stalling... I am not an urban fantasy artist but my girlfriends are determined to turn me into one because they are lining up to be in the Kim-Stream and I keep saying, "Nooooooooooo leave my cartoons alone - we're having fun here."

However, I may give in for a couple of my really sexy, cool gal pals because I need to do a really nice urban fantasy Ivy and I want sparkly, snarky, sexy pixies (sigh).

I keep getting requests to post more artwork over there from really nice Kim Harrison fans. We instant chat and Facebook message each other a lot because we love Kim's work and enjoy talking about it. My friends are really getting hooked and we normally do fun poses you know nothing about unless you come to Ward Nasse Gallery when I put my friends up on the wall while playing fine artist (LOL). Now they give me suggestions of what they want to see (which can drive you crazy when you're trying to sleep - LOL). I like them better as Ward Nasse models because no one sees their portrait until I release it.

House Rules: Fine artists can be control freaks but urban artists have to draw on demand (LMAO). My brick and mortars really believe this rule. They created it. They enforce The Art Rule by holding my stuff hostage until I behave and make them happy. I love them so I give in a lot (LOL). That's how they started getting into Art News and The Gallery Guide. They talked me into painting them because models are expensive so if they pose they get free art. Now everyone wants to pose all the time because that's the deal with me (LOL).

Kimi is just one more reason for them to get excited and encourage me doodling urban fantasy stuff in the near future because my gal pals know what it means when I get artistically interested in a subject. It means I'll start painting every single day (and they get free custom art - LOL). So yeah, we have mad fun creating music and art together and my friends are now addicted to watching the Kim-Stream to see what I post next. They are hoping that I will admit to the fact that there is a lot of neat stuff you guys are not seeing because I'm picky.

Nydia thinks I'm still trying to figure it all out and hoard them in case I decide to skip a day of creativity but need to post something to keep the FB peeps happy. Good idea actually (LOL).

Gotta go. The Sandbox Mafia wants Netflix. They are very persuasive (LOL). More paintings to come... I have a character list and Facebook requests (LOL). ;-)

P.S. Kimi has her own illustration pile (and it's growing - OMG!!! LOL). I need protective pages to stick the little ones in a book and more frames for the bigger ones. I'm working 8.5x11, 12x16, 16x20 and 18x24. Those are my standard paint in the park sizes. ;-)

Carolyn Tann Starr 2011


Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400
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You continue to amaze me with your talent and unlimited energy. The world is a better place because of you.


Jun 21, 2011 04:31 PM
C Tann-Starr
Tann Starr & Associates, Inc. - Palm Bay, FL

Thank you, Margaret. I e-mailed a couple of girlfriends to see if they will let me create something fun to share next week. I have my hands full with the shorties this week (can you say pixie hell? LOL). If Poppy D says yes then I'm kicking everyone to the curb to do her portrait because I need a gorgeous Mattie. I realized it's why I can't illustrate Jenks. Mattie comes first according to the cartoons in my head (LOL). ;-)

Jun 21, 2011 04:55 PM