

Real Estate Agent with Seven Gables Real Estate

I have been wondering how many of you out their deal with your clients in a TEXT or E-mail mostly way. I'm amazed how often a client text messages me instead of picking up the phone. Call me old fashioned, but I think it's easy, faster and more personal to pick up the sticking phone. Perhaps that's me a 40 year old text virgin, but I just don't get it.  Text, email or call me with feedback ... you arlready know my preference.

Todd Moeller, QSC

714 404-9540

Orange County Real Estate, Anaheim Hills Based

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Don Stern
Realty Executives South Louisiana - Baton Rouge, LA
Greater Baton Rouge Real Estate
It really depends upon the client.  I'm perfectly OK with the client who'd prefer to e-mail back and forth.  This has the added advantage of keeping a record of the "conversation."  There are other clients, however, who much prefer to talk on the telephone.  I've got to be flexible but am comfortable with either mode of communication.
Oct 13, 2007 07:19 AM
Tricia Jumonville
Bradfield Properties - Georgetown, TX
Texas REALTOR , Agent With Horse Sense

I'm comfortable with both, but I prefer email.  First, as Don says, there's a written record of who said what when, which can come in handy if there's different rememberings or in the case of "senior moments" - I can confirm for myself what was said.  Second, if I email, then I can get it off when I think about it and have the information in front of me and not carry it around in my head (people are frequently not available by phone when I'm thinking about something we need to discuss).  Third, there's a record that I did, indeed, tell them something - that's come in handy more often than you'd think. 

That being said, I'll happily talk to someone on the phone if that's their preference (though often as not it ends up being voice mail).


Oct 13, 2007 07:24 AM
Brian Schulman
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Lancaster PA - Lancaster, PA
Lancaster County PA RealEstate Expert 717-951-5552
I actually like email - you only get messages when you're ready -  unlike phone calls, which come when the caller is ready, not you.  I don't much care for texting - buttons are too small for me.
Oct 13, 2007 07:39 AM
Al Maxwell
Keller Williams - Marietta, GA
Real Estate Agent
I can't think of one client that prefers texting over other forms. I do have many that prefer e-mail over calls or vice-versa.
Oct 13, 2007 07:40 AM
Gary Bland R (S) E-Pro, ABR
Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers - Wailea, HI
I think the text message is just the way people can the communication at a push of a button to get you to call or answer.  I never use it.
Oct 13, 2007 07:47 AM
Gena Riede
Riede Real Estate, Lic. 01310792 - Sacramento, CA
Real Estate Broker - Sacramento CA Real Estate (916) 417-2699
Todd, no text messaging but emails and phone calls. Hard to say which one is more than the other...pretty even distribution.
Oct 13, 2007 12:06 PM
Keisha Hosea-
KASI Homes - Chino Hills, CA
Real Estate Solutions For Real People
Todd, I do whatever the client is most comfortable with or doing at the time. I usually ask up front how they prefer to be communicated with. If I'm working and they text me, then I text them back. I figure that maybe that is what is most convenient for them at the time. However, any mega important information such as discussing contracts or problems with escrows is either in person or by telephone.
Oct 13, 2007 01:24 PM
Micki OToole
PropertyADVANTAGE - Carlsbad, CA
General Manager

Todd, I prefer the telephone like you, but sometimes email is the preferred method. For some of my clients it's easier for them because they can easily do email while at work, but not phone calls. I also like email for the same reason mentioned above. I can send it when I'm thinking about it and not get lost in voice mail hell. Text messaging is really not an option. Since I don't have a crackberry it's awful hard for me to text people without it taking forever!


Oct 13, 2007 05:33 PM
Nancy Moeller
Seven Gables Real Estate - Anaheim Hills, CA
Email is easy and convenient, and frankly I like it. Text messaging drives me crazy. But I the think our customers are always pleasantly surprised when you call Todd.  The key is to respect their time, if it could be handled in a short email, then be sure to keep the conversation short, too. Nice post.
Oct 14, 2007 03:09 AM
Chris Pollinger
Berman & Pollinger, LLC. - San Diego, CA
Consulting for Luxury Teams and Brokerages
I hate the phone.  I like personal meetings, but they take much longer.  I can handle core communication messages via email in about 1/10 of the time. 
Oct 14, 2007 07:24 AM