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Real Estate Marketing Strategies: Are You Ready to Shift to a Prosperity Mindset? Part 2

Services for Real Estate Pros with Maya Bailey, Ph.D.

In part 1 of this article, we covered some common basic ideas about prosperity. Now we will address how you can change your mind-set to achieve greater prosperity.

Typically when people first see me for help in becoming successful, they aren't aware that they have any self-limiting beliefs about money.

However, when I start asking powerful, clarifying questions the hidden beliefs usually come up to the surface fairly easily.

I'm going to give you samples of the kind of questions I asked my clients and I want you to ask the same questions of yourself and take notes on the answers that you get.

• What messages did you receive from your parents, either verbally or nonverbally about money when you were growing up?

• What were their attitudes about money?

• What is the first memory you have that involves money?

• How often did your parents fight about money?

• How often did you hear them say “we can't afford it”?

• How did your parents feel about “rich people”?

• What money status did you grow up in? Were you poor, middle income, or upper income?

• Which parent demonstrated the belief that you have to work very very hard for money?

• Which parent demonstrated that you have to be extremely frugal about money?

• Did you grow up feeling that there is an abundance of money in the universe or did you grow up feeling that there's never enough money?

• How did religion play into the money picture when you were growing up? Was there any feeling that you would be a better or holier person with less money?

• What happened that may have made you feel that you shouldn't want more? Which parent made you feel that it wasn't okay to ask for more?

After all of the scarcity beliefs about money come to the surface, the next step that I take with my clients is to have them ask this question to themselves. “What is the purpose of the belief that makes me feel that if I have money that I am a bad person?”

Most of the time, the subconscious mind is trying to protect you. Often times that protection is to protect you from being too visible for fear that you will be judged. Most of my clients, especially the women, have been conditioned to associate being visible with being judged.

The first thing to notice is that your beliefs create your reality. If you keep telling yourself that you'll never have enough money, then you will create that self-fulfilling prophecy. A second thing to notice is that if you keep holding on to the belief that there's never enough money, what negative consequences will you suffer?

Now that we've established that clearing your subconscious mind of old self-limiting beliefs is the first step to acquiring a prosperity consciousness, let’s explore some specific steps you can take to shift your old scarcity mindset into a prosperity mindset.

• Notice when you are feeling down and ask yourself what thoughts were going through your mind. Most likely you will be focusing on what you don't have instead of what you do have.

The technique for shifting your mindset is simple: it's called the STOP technique and it goes like this:

1. When you discover that a thought process is bringing you down and not serving you, then say the word STOP to yourself either out loud or in your head.

2. Interrupt the thought pattern with a deep breath.

3. Replace the old belief with an empowered belief. What are some empowered beliefs, about money?

• Instead of “There's never enough money”, you could say “We live in an abundant universe and there's more than enough money for everyone.” (Even if these beliefs don't feel real to you in the moment, say them anyway and they will start to become real. Look at them as positive intentions)

• Instead of "I don't deserve money" put in the belief “I deserve an abundance of prosperity.”

• Instead of "people won’t like me if I have money,” put in “I attract people who like me for myself and not the amount of money I have or don't have.”

• Instead of “money is the root of all evil”, put in “Money is good and the more money I have more good I can do in the world.”

• Instead of "money requires long hard hours, struggle and sacrifice" put in “I make money by working smarter, not harder.”

• Instead of “I will be judged for having a lot of money “put in, “I attract people who appreciate my ability to create wealth.”

• Instead of “I can't make money in today's economy” put in, “Many people are becoming millionaires in today's economy.”

In addition to replacing your old scarcity beliefs with beliefs of abundance and prosperity, here are some other secrets to making money: (some of these beliefs were inspired by one of my favorite teachers, Joe Vitale.)

1. The first one may surprise you; it's called “give money away.”

This one works on the principle that like attracts like, when you give money away, you're saying to the universe “I am prosperous”, and whatever energy you send out comes back to multiply so the universe has no choice except to agree with you and send prosperity your way.

2. The next secret is to take inspired action.

It's not enough just to have a positive mindset. It's not enough just to wish for what you want. Inspired action is also known as taking "right action". This is action that comes from your heart and fulfills your need to make a contribution. Learning which action to take is a process. But it starts by raising your level of self-esteem, getting clear on what you want to contribute and finding the right words to get your message across to your ideal clients.

3. Get support.

I can't emphasize this one strongly enough. By getting the right kind of support, you will be able to break through your inner blocks in a very short period of time and get unstuck. What are the results? The small amount that you invest in the coaching will pay off many, many times over. What coaching really does for you is accelerate your process and add years to your life. Another way of saying it is coaching can get you out of the struggle and into the process of attracting what you want. If you've been trying to do everything on your own and you’ve been on the wrong track, then it is time to get the right kind of support. Often times real estate agents know they need support but they're not clear what kind so they make the mistake of getting into one of the many accountability coaching programs. Then they find that no matter how many times they're told to do something by their accountability coach, they can't implement what they're learning. If you’ve ever had accountability coaching but still can’t pick up the phone and call people, it’s because of your inner blocks. It's very important to make sure your mindset is clear before you go into accountability coaching program.

4. The next secret is "Do what you love”.

This doesn't mean you have to love every single aspect of real estate but it does mean that overall you enjoy helping people in of buying and selling real estate. What you weren't counting on was that you actually have 2 businesses. One is the business of servicing your clients and you probably are very good at that and you probably love that. However the second part of your business is lead generation and most of you shy away from that part, mostly because of your self-limiting beliefs. What's the solution? The solution is to learn to love and embrace all aspects of your business including the lead generation.

5. The last secret I want to share with you today is to elevate your thinking.

Do you have any idea how prosperous your thoughts are in every moment? What I want you to become aware of is what you're thinking about when it comes to money. If you're very honest with yourself, then you probably start to notice that many times you're thinking about the lack of money and your life. You may be dwelling about your bank account, you may be obsessing about the lack of transactions, you may be fretting about not having enough money for vacation and so forth.

Any time you are giving energy to what you don't want, you are attracting more of it whatever we put our attention on grows. So if you're putting your attention on lack of money, what you attract into your life? More lack of money.

The solution is to elevate your thinking. What this means is that any time you find yourself thinking about what you don't have, you need to switch that thinking and focus on what you have now in your life that you can be grateful for, or how you can take inspired action and focus on what you'd like to create and how that would feel.


Dr. Maya Bailey, Multiple 6 Figure Income Business Coach for Real Estate Professionals, integrates her 20 years of experience as a psychologist with 14 years of expertise in marketing. Her powerful transformational work creates a Success Formula for Real Estate Professionals ready to create a Multiple 6 Figure Income. To get your free report: “7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days” and to apply for an Initial Complimentary Consultation, go to www.90daystomoreclients.com.