Burbank Realtor
Marketing Matters: Burbank Realtor
• Media West Realty’s in-house production company will produce a high-def movie presentation of the property. A professional script extolling the home’s features will be written and a voice-over artist will bring those words to life, along with custom graphics, music and effects.
• A custom website for the property will be created with the domain name being the address http://www.2806Nichols.com …this site will house the high-def movies, pictures and details about the property.
• The property high-def movie presentation and website will be a part of an email blast to all agents in LA County, estate specialists, relocation agencies and our list of money managers and entertainment professionals.
• The property will be a featured listing on Realtor.com, as well as destinations like Homes.com, Craiglist.org, Yahoo.com, Google.com, HomesAndLand.com and on the MediaWestRealty.com main site. According to a recent survey, 90% of people now begin their home search online. If you are not aggressively marketing on the web, you are not reaching the largest pool of potential buyers.
• Featured property advertising in the LA TIMES(Sat/Sun real estate section + Open House guide), Leader, Tolucan Times, Studio Sun Papers, and Homes And Lands magazine.
• Catered broker caravan.
• Twilight Wine & Cheese open houses.
• Sunday Open houses until the home sells.
• Dedicated 1-800 number for property information and lead capture.
• Professional Colored Flyers at property and distributed to area real estate companies.
• A team of committed, professional agents will tend to any and all needs of the property and utilize each every social network medium as well.
Media West Realty proposes the above to market and sell your asset. ALL items included in this plan are provided at no cost to the seller.
Media West Realty- Changing the way you look at real estate forever.
Burbank Realtor