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This week's Gazette featured a lengthy article, "What Would You Suggest for Sinclair, Trashmore?" contemplating the future of the Sinclair site. It's mostly cleared now and the possibilities for its use are endless. The city council showed vision in the purchase of the property initially, and we sincerely hope that the vision continues. Travelling around the state it really becomes clear that the flood has put us far behind where we once were and want to be. We are missing a real tourist attraction; a destination venue, if you wil,l that will attract visitors to Cedar Rapids. OK, we "missed the boat" on the casino, our event center has long been dated and unable to attract the big shows that we constantly loose to Ames, Waterloo, Des Moines and the Quad Cities, and the Paramount is down due to the flood. It's time to think outside the box. The Sinclair property gives this city the perfect location to make a statement. The entire corridor from the new center to the Sinclair site lends itself perfectly to development. What are your thoughts? What would set us apart from our competition? Do you see residential use, recreational opportunities, a boutique hotel, shops, restaurants? What do we need? Put on your thinking cap, dream about the future of Cedar Rapids! We would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on our blog!