I arrive at my 9am appraisal appointment 15-minutes early. I take a full set of exterior and neighborhood photos. I measure the perimeter of the house and get it ready for the floor plan.
I knock on the door promptly at 9am... no answer.
I knock again...
and again...
and again...
No answer.
Let me try calling the house phone, maybe they cant hear the door... no answer.
Hmmm... let me try the side door... no answer.
No problem, I'm on time, maybe they are running late, I'll wait.
So I return to my car and wait patiently... 9:20, nothing. Ok, I'll try the door again; I mean, there are 4-cars parked outside, surely somebody MUST be inside.
Still nothing.
9:30... I pull off.
10:00 - I'm back at the office. I call again, husband answers the phone. He is irrate that nobody called him on his cell phone to let him know I was on my way.
Humbly I apologize and alert him that the appoinment was made with his wife for a firm 9am and sadly, I did not have his cell phone number.
He grumbles and reschedules for tomorrow morning, no set time, just call him when I'm on my way and he will try to meet me.
I alert him that there will be a trip fee charged for the missed appointment... not to my surprise, the cursing begins....
So I stand by and eagerly await my appointment tomorrow... time to be determined by Mr. Happy Borrower ...
Surely everybody will blame the appraiser for the loan not closing on time...