
Renter scam using Lock Box

Services for Real Estate Pros

My friend is buying a REO home in Bakerfield California.  She went by there to check on status of pool treatment because power failure caused a pool filled with UCK.  A car pulled up in front and a lady approached my friend with a rent check for this house.  My friend, totally befuddled, said she must have the wrong house.  She was adamant this was the place and had seen the interior of it just a few days before. 

My buyer friend contact realtor who found out this home was part of a renter scam, where someone gets access to the lock box code and shows the home for rent.  Then collects first and last month rent from prospective renter and disappears into the sunset.  Renter is left holding the "empty" bag.

Anyone else had something like this happen?  And what state(s)?

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Bruce Parker
Best Realty - Highland Park, NJ
You Deserve The Best

Craigslist spawns all kinds of rental frauds. Real Estate Fruad is a very profitable crime with low punishments.

Jun 25, 2011 07:36 AM
Bill Gillhespy
16 Sunview Blvd - Fort Myers Beach, FL
Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos

Hi Sandy,  There just seems no end to thesee scams.  Hopefully this scammer will be caught.

Jun 25, 2011 07:43 AM
Dee Mayers
Covina, CA
San Gabriel Valley, CA

Real estate scams been going on for some time now.  If you hit AR's search button and type in "renters scam", or Google the words, you will see these types of scams can be found in any state.  Sad but true.  I hope your friend find some way to resolve this matter.

Jun 25, 2011 10:50 AM