Lessons Learned from Lemonade Stand
Love this post by Mary Yonkers. Reminds me of Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten! Some truths hold for every kind of selling...
Lessons Learned from Lemonade Stand
Summer and no school means the lemonade stands (see post by Donna Foerster) are beginning to pop up in many neighborhoods. Maybe you remember the one you had oh, so many years ago. How much money did you make?
Did you have competition from the kids down the block? Whose lemonade was better? How did your sign compare to theirs? How did you attract customers? Who had the better location? Did you offer homemade cookies with the lemonade? Who had the best service?
Bottom line: Who made more money?
Let's review Lessons learned from Lemonade Stand
- Service with a smile
- Location counts
- Word of mouth advertising
- Creative advertising (today kids are texting potential customers)
- Quality, not quantity
- Give more than expected
- Excellent service beats price any day
- HAVE FUN! Yes, have fun listing and selling Real Estate
Some people never get it . . .
Post Review:
- What Is Social about Social Networking?
- Where Are You?
- Don't Just Sit There
- Priorities: Are Yours in Order?
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