Welcome to Sams Boat! One of the joys of Lake Conroe is living and playing by the lake.
I have had the pleasure of dining at Sams Boat many, many times. Why do I keep going back?
Let me count the ways...good food with great menu choices, fun surroundings with a feel of "Welcome to everyone", happy and helpful wait staff, expansive outside deck overlooking the blue waters of Lake Conroe, Drive Up Boat Docking to drive up, park, hop out and eat, Full bar, Live Bands on the weekends all summer and games and dancing and I'm out of breath!
It really is good and is really this fun! I dropped in the other day and a wonderful band was playing and had EVERYONE in the isles dancing; plates of yummy food were flying out of the kitchen and the bartenders were busy as bees serving cold beer and Margaritas. I'm a Margarita girl...
THIS would be a great place for an Active Rain Gathering! I'm there and how about you??
I was lucky enough to hear "THE EDGE BAND" rocking the lakefront with their music. Sams Boat is now providing "LIVE MUSIC" every weekend throughout the summer and they provide great bands.
"The Edge Band" is a professional group and is booked nearly every night of each month! The manager is Lynn Logan providing lead vocals and rocks the roof on her drums, Wes Cornor, Lead guitar and vocals and Kieth Logan keeps the rhythm on his bass guitar and vocals. They mix, blend and work the Country Music into a lather of Rock and Roll. Check out the real thing!
When I got to Sam's Boat this is what "THE EDGE BAND" was playing! Dancing was everywhere, on the deck, and outside! The Restaurant next door had a few people there but they were groovin' to the band at Sam's Boat! What fun! Enjoy the photos!
15250 Hwy 105 West #150
Montgomery, Texas 77356
Phone: 936 588 1212
Fax: 936 588 1219
Email: SamsConroe@samsboat.com
The Edge Band
Humble, Texas
Rock/Variety/Country Music
832-284-8236 (Tell Lynn Deb sent you!)