I love it when the STARFRUIT are ripe. These are one of my favorite tropical fruits because they are so delicious to eat just the way they are, or prepared in dishes. Their unique shape is really appealing when cut in cross sections to make little yellow stars. Kids love them because they look so cute. Toss them into a salad for a sweet zing. Chop them up with onions, hot pepper and cilantro or mint for a fresh salsa that will get you rave reviews. Throw some in with the sweet and sour meatballs instead of pineapple. Garnish a tropical drink!
They are easy to grow here in Haiku Maui. We have 2 trees at home that go off at slightly different times, so we have fresh fruits for a couple of months in the fall. Whatever we can't eat or give away, we feed to the horse and donkey. I get a charge watching them slurp up these juicy treats, with the sweet juice running out of their greedy mouths.
Aloha - The Hunter