
Approval For Financing? Not Till I Find a House!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas

How many times have you heard this? It is one of my personal pet peeves and it's getting worse and worse. I remember the days when all I asked was, "How's your Credit?" and with the right answer off we would go! Even I felt comfortable showing homes without an Approval Letter. No biggie. Obviously, today is totally different. Yes, I would love to show them houses if they are able to BUY! Please get your Approval Letter

How many times has your "potential client" said, "I am not going to have any trouble getting a home," in response to your questions? I then go on to explain just how turbulent the times are and how our Qualifying Requirements have tightened and changed and they come back with the proverbial answer like, "yeah, but I'm good friends with my banker", or "my family will loan me the money" or "I have perfect credit," and you just want to scream...THEN GET PRE-QUALIFIED.

Nothing is in stone these days. I recently contracted a large and lovely home for a couple that did have perfect credit. They were making $250,000.00 per year AND they were Pre-Qualified by Bank of America. I submitted their letter to the Foreclosure company and we had a deal! Awesome. The home was $349.000.00 and it was their dream home.
After about a week of dealing with the Underwriters and making calls and being a bit pushy we were running out of our "Final Approval" period and I didn't want them to lose their large Earnest Money, I pushed.

It turned out that they were being paid by their own Company. So? The company made the money and seemed to be able to afford the payout. As it turned out, because the company had shown a loss on their Tax Return the previous year they were DENIED. Even with the Approval letter. You just never heart broke for the moment.

FOR CLIENTS AND CUSTOMERS: We ask you to please understand when we do not want to jump and run to show you a house without an Approval Letter. It isn't that we are lazy or selfish or are attempting to make your lives difficult. It is however a huge undertaking to not have the Loan Go Through! We as Realtors are bound by an agreement of Ethics. One of the main requirements is to always tell the truth! The truth is, it's tougher than it use to be to get a loan. You may have perfect credit and lots of money in the bank.
But, this in and of itself is no guarantee!

Domino Effect:
Please get your Approval Letter

Not to mention that if we do go view homes, that is no longer an easy thing to do! With gas prices the way they are we are footing the bill for a very expensive venture! For you it is fun and possibly a part of your vacation.

To us it is a full day out after making arrangements, driving you to home after home and then....if you choose to make an offer on the home we begin with the paperwork. Once accepted if you then go for an Approval and it is denied, we have worked many, many hours for free and basically nothing...We have turned many lives upside down and inside out.

The Sellers have begun to make plans for the move that isn't going to happen. They have even begun a search with another Realtor that is in the same work mode as us! So, the other Realtor, thinking their house is selling begins the entire process over and again many, many lives are affected. It's the domino affect!

Please get your Approval Letter?

Other Agents: Any ideas how to get this point across? Lissa suggested that we tell them to lock in the interest r
ate. Good idea.

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Bruce Parker
Best Realty - Highland Park, NJ
You Deserve The Best

now that overlays and extra requirements popping out of no where we need to keep the mortgage person on permanent hold

Jun 29, 2011 07:31 AM
Patricia Aulson
Realtor - Portsmouth NH Homes-Hampton NH Homes

Deb thanks for the post today.  I enjoyed the read.

So many times I've heard buyers say this to me. What it tells me is that they really aren't interested in getting prequalified for a mortage but want to look at houses now......Then often when it does come time to put an offer in and a pre qual is needed they can't get one!!  If you are serious one would go forward to have this done from the start.


Patricia Aulson/  Seacoast NH & ME

Jun 29, 2011 07:37 AM
Hrisco & Associates
Hrisco & Associates - Roanoke, TX
Roanoke Homes for Sale - Roanoke Neighborhoods

Hi Deb, excellent post on a much needed to discuss subject matter.  How to nicely in a professional manner emphasize this to a new client, couldn't have said it better myself.  This is so good, going to re-blog it right now.  Finally, have to ask, where do you find these cool little cartoon snippets?  Have noticed on bloggers such as yours and Barbara Hensley, just curious, it really adds an extra dimension to the posts, please share. Thanks.

Jun 29, 2011 07:38 AM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Hello there, first comment. What is your name? Is it Wallace? I checked your profile and could not figure out who to comment to...maybe something to add to your profile? Anyway, thank you for your response. I do believe that in the Rental Business that Renters are more educated to the protocal. I have found that people who have owned their homes for up to five years really don't have a clue how the market has changed.


Jun 29, 2011 07:46 AM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Hello Jerseybest!!! You guys need to provide your names so we can get to know you! Okay, next post comes to mind here.

And, you are right about the On Hold Broker! I have one lined up and she's wonderful. We get a yes or no within a couple of hours and if she says yes then it happens! Thank you for your comment and please introduce yourself!

Barbara, thank you. How do you handle these barriers?

Patricia, I didn't think I was the only one! It is so frustrating as I KNOW they were looking forward to the shopping trip! I have learned though that I don't shop if I can't buy.

We just need to educate the Clients!



Jun 29, 2011 07:53 AM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX


John, now to you my friend! That was high just want the source to the Kidding and of course I will share!

Go to:


They offer 1000.s of FREE PHOTOS and GRAPHICS. No fee, no royalties, no requirements at all!

Have fun using them!


Jun 29, 2011 07:56 AM
Marco Giancola
Beachfront Realty - Miami Beach, FL
Realtor (305)608-1922, Miami Beach Florida

I had that buyer yesterday!  Great, fun picture of you BTW

Jun 29, 2011 08:34 AM
Virginia (Ginger) Schott
Cabins & Canoes - Port Jervis, NY
Assoc. Broker, CBR, CHMS

Deb Great Points. I recall being just that buyer 12yrs ago, only I was the perfect buyer with 20%down, good credit and I didn't want the bank telling me I could afford more than I wanted to spend.  It worked out for us. Now that I'm back in the business after a long abscense, I insist on pre-approval, without we don't go to see homes. 

Jun 29, 2011 08:43 AM
Gary Woltal
Keller Williams Realty - Flower Mound, TX
Assoc. Broker Realtor SFR Dallas Ft. Worth

No pre-approval, let's jump in the car and look at homes?? That is the cart before the horse. Let them find another sucker....

Jun 29, 2011 09:10 AM
Ellen Caruso
Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty - Glen Head, NY

I have a great customer I'm working with now....they have up to 3.2MM to spend, so why do they ask to see 4.5MM listings? Once they become practical they will get their dream home!

Jun 29, 2011 09:37 AM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Thank you Marco! Glad to know I'm not the only one getting those buyers...good luck.

Virginia, you are the needle in the haystack! Good for you.

Gary, I have not heard you this tough before. Maybe I need you to coach me on this. ;-)

Jun 29, 2011 09:37 AM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Ellen, how much more does a Buyer get for yet another million anyway? Aw gee...get real, right? They are thinking they will beat the Seller down for it I guess. Yet another misnomer.

Jun 29, 2011 09:39 AM
Richard Iarossi
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Crofton, MD
Crofton MD Real Estate, Annapolis MD Real Estate


A buyer said just that to me a couple of years ago. "There won't be any problems with getting a mortgage." Told him he had to be pre-qualified with my lender and I would have her call him. Either that or find another Realtor. A couple of hours later my lender said..."how come you didn't tell me he is a Four Star Admiral in the Navy?

It's even more important today.


Jun 29, 2011 10:13 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Retired Broker/Owner - Phoenix, AZ

Nope! Not happening - no approval - no looking with me nor do I recommend to other agents. Even the seeminly top notch buyers are having to go through so many hoops it's crazy.....crazy.  Remember the old saying....Pop Tart Agent?  Look at houses?  Sure let's go.......naught!

Jun 29, 2011 12:45 PM
Kristi DeFazio
RE/MAX Advantage - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs Rea lEstate 719-459-5468

I just rejected a buyer's offer this past weekend to look at homes. They didn't want to get the prequal and I didn't want to waste my time. It is a hard call for sure, but we have to all stick togehter and it will become the standard to get this done FIRST!

Jun 29, 2011 01:12 PM
David A. Weaver
None - Buckeye, AZ

Hi Deb,  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  As a 18 year veteran in the mortgage side of the business, I have harped and pounded on this subject daily to my prospects and realtor partners.  Before you hit the key on the ignition get pre-qualified.

The whole lending world has been turned upside down and new regulations are coming in almost daily.  IT IS MUCH BETTER TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE QUALIFIED THAN TO GUESS!!! 

My practice is to see their documents; pay stubs, bank statements, W2's, pension award letters, etc. and to run them through the automated underwriting system to make sure I don't have any deal killers before I write the Pre-Qualification Letter.

Much better for all concerned.  We have enough unknowns with the collateral these days to have surprises at the end with the borrower as well.

Great Post.

Jun 29, 2011 01:24 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Rich, good for you!

Four Star Admiral in the Navy Now, that's my kind of client~and you see, he didn't have any qualms about going for the Approval first right? It's a great way to qualify our "lookers". We need Buyers!


Anna, now that's Bananatude!!!


Kristi, we have to just to save time and money. If we work the odds, we would all realize that the odds are "no sale" and what's the point.

I love the people that call and say, "oh, I already have my Approval letter!"

Jun 29, 2011 01:26 PM
Sharon Lee
Sharon Lee's Virtual Assistance - Jonesborough, TN
Retired and loving life

Hi Deb-Things have drastically changed in real estate since I moved to Va. Nowadays you have to get that letter otherwise it is a blatant waste of your time and gas. Hope you are doing well. Is your tooth all better? Have a super Thursday.

Jun 29, 2011 01:58 PM
William Johnson
Retired - La Jolla, CA

Hi Deb, Not only have things changed , we ( specifically writing the underwriting guidelines) have lost our way and gotten so far away for sanity these days , I can't even put it to words. 

Jun 29, 2011 04:36 PM
Hrisco & Associates
Hrisco & Associates - Roanoke, TX
Roanoke Homes for Sale - Roanoke Neighborhoods

Hi Deb, got the link, thank you......FYI, anytime I find something worthy of a reblog, I always hit the suggest button first before i do anything.   So, yes I did hit the suggest button in this case.....maybe a sily question but what does it take for a post to become featured here in the rain.  I'm on a personal quest to acquire as many of the little ICONS badges under my picture as I can, and the featured post has alluded me so far, thought it was once a post surpassed a certain number of comments, but not sure?  Also will send you an email regarding my test.  thanks for asking.

Jun 29, 2011 08:49 PM