IF THAT RENTAL LISTING ON CRAIGSLIST SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE is! Craigslist scams in real estate are very common. Especially, it seems, with rental properties. I recently had a beautiful colonial home for sale in Cheshire, CT listed for $450,000. Although not for rent, this property would rent for over $2,000 per month. One morning I received calls from 3 people asking about a Craigslist posting advertising it available for rent for $800. Fortunately they were suspicious enough to research the address online and contacted me directly. The individual posting the ad gave a telephone number. When a potential tenant called the number to reach the "owner," they were told that the owner was out of the country doing missionary work. They were told that the home was vacant, which was untrue, and that they could go look in the windows to view the house. They were also told to wire $600 to secure the lease! Scary stuff! When I contacted Craigslist, the posting was removed only to be reposted! The same has happened to me with legitimate rental listings where people have called saying they are from out of the country asking for a routing number to our bank account so they could secure a rental unseen. Agents need to cautious about renting to anyone who has not viewed the property and gone through proper credit checks and employment verification! Anyone looking to rent a home should be sure to meet the owner or their representative in person to view the home and be wary of any request to wire money. Again, if it sounds to good to be is! Contact me at Doreen DuChette 203-980-4601