
Week 2

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

As a new agent I decided that I needed to find my niche and increase the marketablity of my services. There are so many opportunities in the housing market if you look with the right light. I am going to be the 1st time homebuyer specialist of Bakersfield, Ca. There are various programs in California that have been brought to my attention that assist potential buyers. I also want to help people prepare themselves financially to buy a home and a piece of security. This week I stumbled upon the California Housing Finance Agency website. While a browsed around the site I was inspired to get the programs information out to those that might not have heard of the CalHFA.

I know it sounds corny, but I talked to my Pastor about it and we are going to give a seminar at the church on the available programs to assist in homebuying. So this weekend I will be doing some reading, cooking, and a little sewing. With the 4th right around the corner, I'm going to be cooking late Sunday night. I know all my Grandma Bertha's recipes so there is always a high demand in the family for me to make her Mississippi famous side dishes. So while I'm watching over my sides, I'll be reading about good ole real estate. Then I still have to make my 4th of July picinic dress and the design I came up with is sooo fab!! But I'll do that Saturday and make the pattern for it tonight. My birthday is in 6 days so I have to make me a dress for that day too. I love to sew. It frees my mind and not only do I think of color, shape, form, and design, but that's when some of my best money making ideas come to mind.

Have a great 4th everyone!! Be safe and mostly, be blessed! Plus I think will be a great time to do some networking.

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Mary M. Kandell
Russell Real Estate Services - Sandusky, OH

Tamiko,  You are multi-talented, indeed.  I always thought that someone who could sew like you was a true artist....being able to see something done before it's even started.  That being said, perhaps your vision of your niche in your community is a little like that too.  Good luck to you and have a wonderful Holiday.

Jul 01, 2011 07:45 AM
Louise Thaxton NMLS 69996
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp Louisiana NMLS#2289 Equal Housing Lender - Leesville, LA
Military Mtg Specialist - 866-960-9115 VA FHA USDA

Tamilo - great idea of getting with your pastor (no, I do NOT think it is corny!) I think it is a great idea.  The only thing I would add is to find a great mortgage lender you respect and admire to partner with you on some of the seminars - someone who can educate your "first time homebuyers" on credit sccoring, loan programs, qualifying for a home, etc. 

Have a great 4th - you may be a new agent - but I bet you are on your way to being one of the best!

Jul 01, 2011 07:45 AM