
The Best Home Staging in Santa Barbara California

Home Stager with Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226

The Best Home Staging in Santa Barbara California!

Delicious Decors, 805.448.9226,

I am currently visiting my husband's family in Sweden. My brother in law recently bought a condo in Stockholm, which was staged. Staging is worldwide because it WORKS

The staged condo was so appealing that he not only bought it, he bought all the stager's furniture and decor in the condo! He was thrilled! As a bachelor, he wasn't interested in shopping and had no idea how to set the condo up as nicely as it was staged. Such a win/win! The home was staged, he bought it, and he could buy everything in the home and move right in! 

    Home Staging Santa Barbara California     Santa Barbara Staging

We, at Delicious Decorsown our own inventory. In fact, we have the largest selection of inventory along the Central California Coast! This allows our home buyers to purchase everything they like in the home and move right in! It's great for the realtor and great for the home buyer! We have already set everything up so nicely with a designer's touch for the home buyer.

    Staging Santa Barbara California.   Staging Santa Barbara California

These are the photos of the staged condo in Stockholm that my brother in law bought. Photos work! He bought the house unseen from the photos on the website! Staging, photos, designer touch ... call Delicious Decors at 805.448.9226 for your FREE staging estimate and FREE professional staging photos! We do it all!

Please join us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Merchant Circle, Youtube!

Staging it forward,

Penny & the DD Team


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Linda D. Pufford
Stage with Divine Style - Home Staging - Novato, CA
ASPM, Marin/Sonoma Home Stager

Hi Penny,

Great success story!  Home Staging really can make the difference...  and this certainly proves it!  I'm happy to hear that it's also successful in other Countries too!  Wonderful post!

Aug 11, 2011 01:26 PM
Penny Bergstrom
Delicious Decors, Stage, Design, Remodel 805.448.9226 - Santa Barbara, CA
Home Staging, Interior, Design & Remodel, Santa Barbara to LA

Thanks Linda! It was quite interesting when we were in Sweden talking about Home Staging. Every home for sale in Sweden is staged, they call it Styling. 


Nice to be in touch with you,


Aug 11, 2011 01:32 PM