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Why Use a Realtor to Buy a Minneapolis Townhouse?

Real Estate Agent

If you want to buy a townhouse in Minneapolis, chances are you’re looking at every possible angle to make sure you’re getting a good deal and making a good investment. Let me take a few moments to tell you why working with a realtor is the smartest way to go. There are over a dozen good reasons given here, but I’d like to highlight four:

Your REALTOR® can assist you in the selection process by providing objective information about each property.
Someone who is a trained realtor has knowledge, experience and resources to help you find the right home. The amount of research that you would need to put into each particular home to determine its value and the value of the neighborhood is staggering. Realtors spend their time on these things, and have tons of knowledge on each neighborhood they serve.

Your REALTOR® has many resources to assist you in your home search.
Realtors have access to information about many properties that are not even listed and accessible to the public. When your realtor has a good understanding of what you are looking for, he or she can help you find properties that you could never find on your own.

Your REALTOR® provides due diligence during the evaluation of the property.
As the article states, “Depending on the area and property, this could include inspections for termites, dry rot, asbestos, faulty structure, roof condition, septic tank and well tests, just to name a few. Your REALTOR® can assist you in finding qualified responsible professionals to do most of these investigations and provide you with written reports. You will also want to see a preliminary report on the title of the property. Title indicates ownership of property and can be mired in confusing status of past owners or rights of access. The title to most properties will have some limitations; for example, easements (access rights) for utilities.Your REALTOR®, title company or attorney can help you resolve issues that might cause problems at a later date.”

Your REALTOR® can help you negotiate.
You are in a good position as buyer in today’s market. But you likely do not know the many areas in purchasing a townhouse that are negotiable, and which you can leverage to your advantage. Your realtor will help you get the best possible deal on the townhouse of your dreams.

You can buy a townhouse in Minneapolis, MN through many different means. Using a qualified realtor who knows Minneapolis well will give you a distinct advantage in the process!