I would encourage each and every one of you to watch the documentary called "Collapse"
You can watch it off Net Flicks if you are a member and you will be quite surprised and shocked of what you see and hear. I would suggest you have an open mind when you are watching and listening to this information.
Have you heard the expression or question that no one could have predicted to what is happening in the USA today or even the world?
Ever heard of tent cities? Tent cities are groups of folks who are living in tents because there home has been forclosed on and they do not have any work.
Emotional stages: Denial, anger phaze, bargaining and then accepting things for what they are and dealing with them. The Titanic was built to never sink but sink it did one day when it hit an ice berg.
After watching this documentary about the collapse of the world and our government, I am starting to really think about how to approach things. First, I have to realize and look around that things are not the best and what can I do to help others and make changes to evolve. Do you remember that Russia always said that America would destroy itself from within and look at what is happening.
So, what do we need back in America? We need balance as well as folks not being so greedy. Look at what has happened to banks with mortgages and folks getting a mortgage who really can not afford the pay ments.
In order to surrive, we will all need to start making changes. Like what, you may ask. Start your own garden. Stock up on grains and can goods and more.
Greed is destroying America. What does the Bible say about money? The love of money is the root of all evil. If you do not think that greed is destroying America, please look around.
Think that our great land of ours is not having problems? Some of our cities do not even have the funds to pay their bills. Or what about the national park who has recently closed due to lack of funds?
Is our government doing things that they should not be doing? How can America continue to fight wars all over the world and expect to be able to pay its bills? We can not continue being the worlds police so why do we continue to do so?
After watching this documentary, I have come away realizing that I need to look around and be more open to change as well as think of things I can do to make changes like plant my own garden and pay off bills and even my mortgage if I can as soon as I can. Who know's, one day the United States dollar may not be worth the paper it is written on.
Please watch this documentary and let me know your thoughts about it. If you do not watch it, you will never know the info that you could know after watching it.
Before you are quick to judge, first watch this documentary then make up your own mind.