Single Family Homes for Sale in Campbell CA: As of July 5, 2011
As of July 5, 2011, there are 69 single family homes for sale in Campbell CA. They consist of:
- Distressed sales:
- 2 REO / bank owned
- 9 short sales
- 58 normal sales
- Distressed sales = 16% of single family homes currently for sale in Campbell CA
- 30 days ago--> distressed sales made up 18%
- 60 days ago--> distressed sales made up 23%
- 90 days ago--> distressed sales made up 24%

- Median list price= $699,888 for single family homes currently for sale in Campbell CA
- Compared to $709,000 in the beginning of June, 2011
- Compared to $704,500 in the beginning of May, 2011
- Compared to $699,000 in the beginning of April, 2011
- Average list price= $768,353 for single family homes for sale in Campbell CA as of July 5, 2011.
- Compared to $746,205 in the beginning of June, 2011
- Compared to $747,666 in the beginning of May, 2011
- Compared to $744,426 in the beginning of April, 2011
- Highest list price= $1,599,000 (5,500 sq ft and normal sale)
- Lowest list price= $424,900 (1,565 sq ft and REO/bank-owned).
- Average days on the market = 80 days for homes currently for sale
Above data obtained from MLS Listings.

Trang Beuschlein has been in Residential Real Estate for over 7 years and has extensive experience in the Campbell CA Real Estate market and surrounding cities Real Estate market. Trang is a Campbell CA Realtor who looks out for the best interests of all her clients and helps them get what they want, whether it be in selling or buying a home. For a list of Campbell CA Homes for Sale or homes for sale in any surrounding city, please call (408) 410-5628 or send an e-mail to 