I recently took an inspection course in BC. While waiting for a break to end I struck up a conversation with another BC inspector. In British Columbia inspector licencing is required as it will soon be in Alberta. I asked him if he was using thermal imaging in his inspections and his responce was “IT’S NOT REQUIRED” . I immediatly thought how the licencing really doesn’t do much to improve the industry. After all if a person holds a licence it makes them qualified, but it says nothing about the quality of the inspection firm. In this case the inspector appeared to be satisfied to maintain the minimum required standard, (thats how I took it anyway) and he is just as licenced as the next guy. The course I took was for oil fired furnaces and oil tank inspections. In five years in the business I have never inspected an oil furnace or seen one within a hundred miles of Lloydminster for that matter. None-the-less I felt it was something I should be aware of for the rare occasion I might come across one, event if ”IT’S NOT REQUIRED. As it turned out I got my first oil furnace inspection in Cactus Lake the next week. Funny how that goes.
What are your thoughs on licencing of home inspectors?