
My very first! Goals! Goals! Goals!

Real Estate Agent with Century 21 American Properties, Inc.


As a new member to activerain, I face the question of what to blog? A question I am sure that everyone of us has asked ourselves when starting on here. First of all, I absolutely love activerain! I do not feel like my day is complete now without dabbling around on here at least once a day. With that being said, that's exactly what I am doing is dabbling, and I need to stop and get serious. :-) 


First order is to put my goals in plain sight so I am going to share them with you!

*establish a daily routine for activerain, I have noticed on here that many members include activerain and blogging into their morning routine, and I love this idea!

*reach 20,000 points by September 1st!

*Be in the top 5 of my city

*have at least one featured blog post

*Use activerain to help better my business!


Learning, research, and applying is the way to meet these goals I know! I cannot wait to share my success with everyone!


So a little about myself and my real estate career, today marks one full year of real estate. I became licensed in North Carolina July 1, 2010. Real estate is something I love. I am also a full time student at the Art Institute of Raleigh-Durham, studying for my bachelors in Interior Design. I am currently living in Jacksonville, NC. The love of my life is an active duty marine stationed here, he is currently deployed to Afghanistan. He is my biggest support and motivation, he pushes for me to meet each goal. It is wonderful having someone holding me accountable for my goals! Because of the military lifestyle of moving, I have become such a huge follower of social media and Internet based business. I want to know that moving across the country doesn't mean the end of my career. This is why I look to social media! I am so excited about activerain.


So here is to my goals, and a successful career!


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Pat Champion
John Roberts Realty - Eustis, FL
Call the "CHAMPION" for all your real estate needs

You have done the first step and that is establishing your goals for you success. I wish you success on reaching those goals.

Jul 06, 2011 05:11 AM
Dave Halpern
Dave Halpern Real Estate Agent, Inc., Louisville, KY (502) 664-7827 - Louisville, KY
Louisville Short Sale Expert

Great goals. Hope this post gets featured.

Best goal: Get a client directly from blogging on AR.

Welcome to AR.

Jul 06, 2011 05:11 AM
Sasha Dear
Sasha Dear Real Estate Brokerage - Bracebridge, ON

Good Luck :)

I have found AR to be a great source of information, and have used it to find Agents to refer Clients to. I have also obtained listings from public who found me here.

If you are ever stuck on what to write/blog about then just take notice of whats going on in the news, or use the likes of Yahoo to give you ideas on what is currently interesting...they have a great source of topics and articles.

Jul 06, 2011 05:15 AM
Heidi Hyatt
Century 21 American Properties, Inc. - Jacksonville, NC

Thank you! It's so much fun when you have others encouraging you along the way!

I really like the goal of getting a client directly from AR. Add that one to my list!

Jul 06, 2011 05:21 AM
Kerrie La Guardia
ActiveRain, Community Manager - Kirkland, WA
Let it Rain!

Your goals are clearly outlined and definitely attainable!  Let me know if I can do anything to help you reach them!

Jul 06, 2011 10:10 AM