
July 6: At What Point Do You Prefer Custom?

Services for Real Estate Pros with RE/MAX Premier Properties

jscreationzWe are working on a new marketing campaign!


Part of the process is a new website. I have about 1 1/2 weeks left to finish it. To some this sounds like a lot of time. How long does it really take? The templates come with pre-loaded material.


What more do clients need than a landing page and a place to contact us?


As I've been working with these new templates I have come to find that the content is 100% customizable and this site has a lot more storage space than our last one. These are the perfect ingredients to keep me in front of the computer for hours, days, perhaps even weeks on end creating, creating, and creating beautiful content in the voice of our team and in the look of any other marketing materials I have and might create.


Custom Marketing Solution


There are a ton of packages out there that we could buy complete with branding we have no control over and pre-loaded content. I see a lot of agents using that.

What is your choice for marketing your business, custom or pre-packaged and why?



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Molly Heyen
Chicago, Illinois Realtor
Executive Coordinator for Terri Buseman
Chicago City Estates, RE/MAX Premier Properties Chicago



Information and content of this blog is original to and the opinion of Molly Heyen.


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