I don't know how many people have told me "The market is really bad right now. It's a bad time to be in real estate". And many other similar negative statements. If you listen and think about these things, they become part of your reality. If you dwell on them, worry about them, or let them affect your motivation, these things will become true for you. That is bad. Think the market is the best it ever has been. Think that you are going to find innovative ways to reach prospects, you're going to kick butt while all the others are bemoaning the poor market conditions. This will become your reality and you will have success.
In this line of work, if you have any friends or relatives that bring you down...they need to be talked too or "kicked" to the curb!!
I really felt like posting this because....we are the ones out there working for free and all marketing hard. So when you get in front of strangers....they feed upon your energy and attiitude and can sense when you've been hanging around your circuit of grouches too long...
Hopefully everyone heeds this warning....as I even have some negative people around that need to -exit stage left.