I was talking to friends a few days ago and the question arose about a tenant in an apartment. She was angry because her personal property was damaged when a pipe burst and allowed water to flow into her apartment. She was out of town at the time the damage occurred so did not notice the flow of water until it was too late to prevent the damage. Her landlord told her he could not cover her loss as his insurance did not protect her property, and that she should have had renters insurance.
The landlord was correct! If she had had renters insurance it would have protected her up to the limit of coverage on her policy for damage to her personal property due to the sudden and accidental release of water.... This coverage should not be expensive. If you rent, talk to me or your insurance agent to learn more.
I find a lot of people do not understand the coverages that are included in most renters policies. I will write more on the subject in the days to come.