It is with great excitement and happiness that we announce our newest baby, the ActiveRain MeetUp!
ActiveRain is a family made up of 200K+ insightful, smart, sharp, caring, funny, brainy, clever and charismatic members. I could go on and on about how amazing you all are but I'm going to stop at the previous 8 adjectives or this post may get a bit too long. Meeting your virtual friends and colleagues in person usually begin with a smile and embrace. I've seen it happen a hundred times across the nation and this is something that must carry on. I must carry on.
Networking, learning and sharing are basic fundamentals of AR. Something special happens when you exercise these in person. To understand you must attend and see for yourself. MeetUps will happen in a restaurant, lounge or another venue in your area; a relaxed environment to host AR members, friends and colleagues. Anybody involved in the real estate community is invited and urged to attend.
We already have a few definite hosts orchestrating a MeetUp in their area:
Renee Burrows, Las Vegas, NV | Tom Branch, North Dallas, TX | Katerina Gasset, Palm Beach County, FL | Dagny Eason, Wilton, CT | Debe Maxwell, Charlotte, SC | Fred Carver, Victoria B.C. | Christine Donovan, Newport Beach, CA | Nina Rogoff, Walpole, MA |
Do you have what it takes to host a MeetUp in your area?
All interested applicants please email the city you'd be interested in hosting a MeetUp. By hosting, you're simply picking a venue in your area as well as date and time. We'll get the word out there together!
With our inaugural virtual RainCamp happening September 8th, the first set of MeetUps will kick off 9/5 - 9/9. The vision is to partner RainMeets along with RainCamps throughout the year.
All participants that attend a MeetUp will receive 1,500 points. A drawing for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive Visa gift cards in the amount of $200, $100, and $50 respectively.
Are you jumping out of your seats? Has it sunk in yet how absolutely fantastic this is going to be?
Get your applications to host a RainMeet to me asap and stay tuned for an announcement regarding MeetUps in a city near you!