This has been a very slow week for me, I am guessing that this is one of those slow weeks of the year due to vacationing. If only we could know when it would be slow. Does anyone out there know from statistical data which weeks are traditionally slow? I would try to schedule my vacation around that time if possible. I think I might start to track it myself.
Well, it almost seemed I was the only person left in town in real estate. Seemed like almost everyone I tried to contact involved in escrows or showings, and even at least one client, was gone this week.
Aulden, it has been slow for my listings the last couple of weeks until Thursday!! Now, activity is picking up again. No rhyme or reason. Hope things pick up in your area very soon. Until then, enjoy your break as they never last too long!!
I dont really know the official stats but I do know from my own experience that July has always been a slower month for me.
Nearly every one I have talked to says the week before and the week after Memorial Day and the Fourth are very slow.
Here in California, the week after the 4th is slow; and we may as well roll up the streets during the last week of August. Like all of us, I forge ahead because I have no control over the market swings. If I learn the secret, I'll let you know :)
Thanks,I really like the ability to have some feedback, the world is a small place with the internet!