Pay It Forward....Helping out a whole condo complex.
Cromwell Hills Condos in Cromwell Ct, has had a complex tag sale for the last 3 years. There is a lot of interest in having one this year. People are looking to sell things to make some extra money, and I'm sure people are out there looking for great deals.
The woman that ran it this year, choose not to do it this year... too much work, little return. So, I've stepped up to the plate to run it this year.
As it stands right now, we have 18 families participating with a whole slew of items...everything thing from antiques, beds, rugs, electronics, brand new bikes, you name it.. THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE.
Yes, I am using this site to help out Cromwell Hills Condo Complex with their tag sale.
So if you are in the area of Cromwell CT next week, Saturday August 16th, raindate Sunday, August 17th between 8am and 4pm... stop by, I'm sure you will find a treasure.