
What's Going On Under That House?

Reblogger Jay Lloyd
Home Inspector with Cape Coral Florida

Although most homes in SW Florida are built on concrete slabs, our most historic homes are frame built with crawl spaces. In the SW Florida crawl space we contend with spiders, bugs-BIG ones, rodents, snakes etc. so a tyvex suit and respirator is necessary. Troy Pappas has put together a great video of many home problems uncovered in the crawl space. Although he inspects in Virginia Beach, his compilation is universal. You can contact Troy at Safe House Property Inspections Cell Phone: (757) 418-0944 Thanks Troy!

Original content by Troy Pappas

Doing home inspections in Virginia Beach it is a good chance that at least a couple time a week I will be venturing into a crawlspace. Crawlspaces are host to a large number of conditions that may cause issues with a house.

They are known for the nasty discoveries that home inspectors find there. It is not to difficult to understand why, for one thing, their cool, dark environment attracts undesirable pests and can promote dangerous conditions. And since crawlspaces are rarely visited, hazards can go unchecked for long periods of time. The following video shows just some of the issues discovered doing Virginia Beach home inspections.



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   Troy Pappas  757-418-0944         Site: Virginia Beach Home Inspector 

    Safe House Property Inspections       Email: Troy Pappas                            

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Not a real person
San Diego, CA

I don’t wear anything special when I crawl under a house. I once had a Client ask me if I was going to put on a suit, mask, respirator, ear muffs, knee pads, etc., and I said “No, because they I’d have to wash all that stuff to!”

Happy Thursday!

Aug 10, 2011 06:01 PM
LLoyd Nichols
Premier Florida Realty - Fort Myers, FL
Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea

Makes sense to wear a Tyvex suit...and as you live in Cape coral I would think that you rather do these jobs before 10 a.m. these days! These moon outfit can be a bit warm! What amazes me is the lack of required posts or pilings under the floor joists and beams...I bet you have seen some surprises under these homes.

Aug 03, 2014 11:20 PM