It's FREE, has 20 billion page views per month, and more than 50 million users in the United States - why not post your listings? Craigslist was created by Craig Newmark in 1995 as a simple email list of San Francisco events. It is now the 7th largest English-language company on the internet and the world’s most used classified advertising service.
Craigslist has changed the nature of real estate marketing. In the past, most agents paid for advertising in printed publications such as magazines and newspapers. Of course the internet has resulted in many marketing changes, and the popularity of Craigslist across the country and the free listings makes Craigslist an easy choice for agents.
Craigslist is specific to cities or regions and each has a real estate section. Listings are arranged by date. Real estate sales are alive and well on Craigslist with the real estate sales section as the #3 most popular category.
Craigslist itself is simple with no bells and whistles. It has had only minor design changes since its early days and the website is known for its simplicity. Some tips for creating real estate listings that will attract attention on Craigslist include:
● Using large, colorful photographs - and links to more information
● Posting ads with different layouts
● Using professional, descriptive text
● Keeping ads simple with an easy to follow call to action
The most challenging aspect of listing on Craigslist is keeping track of all of your ads, and posting your new properties while taking down old ones that have gone off the market. It takes time to create attractive ads that stand out from the crowd and it is important to keep your listings near the top by reposting on a regular basis.
The good news is that there are services to assist you in posting and maintaining your Craigslist ads. Best Agent Business has a special Craigslist group within their Listing Management Team. This group is experienced in creating ads that work on Craigslist and maintaining a posting schedule that best fits an agent's needs.
There are zero ad dollars to lose in giving Craigslist a try! Schedule a free call today with Steve Kantor, President, Best Agent Business to discuss Craigslist postings as well as other services that will boost your real estate success.
Blog submitted by Beverly – Associate, Best Agent Business