- Stay within your budget. Don’t overstretch. Speak with a lender prior to viewing homes and obtain a preapproval. This prevents the heartbreak of falling in love with a home that is out reach.
- Obtain credit report. Make sure everything on your credit history is correct and that you are in good standing.
- Do your homework. Even when working with a great agent you should research the schools, crime rate and shopping near the home.
- Consider resale value. You never know what happens in life and when it comes time to sell, how will this home resale?
- Find out the school district the home is in. Even if you do not have children this is something to be aware of. Home values rise with the better school districts.
- Get a home inspection. It is a home inspector’s job to find the faults in a home. They may see something that the untrained eye does not.
Sotheby's International Realty - Los Angeles, CA
Good points, Landon. I would also add: 1. Check crime rates and Megan's Law websites and 2. Time Work Commute if that is a factor for buying.
Jul 11, 2011 07:05 AM