
Fuller Gardens, answer to Where is it Wednesday..with a twist..somewhere in North Hampton, NH 7/13/11

Real Estate Agent with Premiere Property Group,LLC Portland Metro & Suburbs Oregon

Fuller Gardens, answer to Where is it Wednesday...with a twist..somewhere in North Hampton, NH  7/13/11

Yes, it's beautiful Fuller Gardens in North Hampton, NH. As mentioned, this week is not a Portland location..thus the twist. The wonderful thing about blogging and reading others' blogs is that I've gotten to see places that I might never get to and to learn lots about other parts of the country. When I googled Fuller Gardens, Johns Blog came on right on the first page (talk about google juice), Nice going John! As someone who is very knowledgeble in his neck of the woods, Here is the blog post that John McCarthy wrote about Fuller Gardens.

Thanks John for always checking out my Where is it Wednesday each week..or as you've dubbed WIIW.

Congrats to John McCarthy for correctly guessing last weeks Where is it Wednesday's post: Fox Hill Neighborhood 4th of July Parade 2011, answer to Where is it Wednesday...somewhere in Tualatin, Oregon 7/6/11

Each week I'll be posting a new picture on Wednesday morning. The title of the blog will have the City where the picture is taken and I'll post the answer Wednesday evening...not only here on my blog, but on facebook business page (please click like and add yourself there) as well as tweetin it on my Twitter page as well.

***In honor of John McCarthy  being my top correct guesser each week, this weeks Where is it Wednesday is in HIS home town.

Do you know where it is? Care to guess? Comments are welcome! I'll post the answer tonight.

Hint: This is a place that John has blogged check it out 

Since I've never been to North Hampton and learn about it each week through John's blog, this week picture courtesy of

Green house with flowers in front


Sundeleaf Plaza, answer to Where is it Wednesday...somewhere in Lake Oswego, Oregon 6/29/11


Posted by


Knowledgeable, Approachable, Service Oriented

Cindy Westfall ABR,GRI

Premiere Property Group,LLC

5000 Meadows Rd., Ste. 150, Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Cell: 503-819-5241      




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Disclaimer: All views on my blog are my own and may not reflect that of Premiere Property Group. All pictures and content are my own unless otherwise noted. Please No Copying without my permission.

 Cynthia Westfall is licensed in Oregon State


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Peter Pfann @ eXp Realty Pfanntastic Properties in Victoria, Since 1986.
eXp Realty, Victoria BC - Victoria, BC
Talk To or Text Peter 250-213-9490

Hi Cindy,

As always We have no clue where this may be, but we come back and visit your wednesday contest every week so that we can learn more about your community, who know we will eventually send you some referrals....

Jul 13, 2011 08:37 AM
Tammy Lankford,
Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668 - Eatonton, GA
Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville

what a nice idea to promote you local area.  I'll be back this evening to see where it is.  It's lovely

Jul 13, 2011 09:14 AM
John McCarthy
North Hampton, NH
Realtor - Seacoast NH


I am soooo flattered! I've enjoyed your WIIW since I found it and love to learn about your part of the country by your weekly challenges! I know I need to go back here and no doubt, right now is the perfect time. I was there a bit early for the real show I blogged about in Part 1. The roses will be out in full bloom right now. Maybe this weekend and maybe I better bring extra batteries for the camera! Watch out Roy!

Jul 13, 2011 01:22 PM
Cindy Westfall
Premiere Property Group,LLC Portland Metro & Suburbs Oregon - Tualatin, OR
ABR,GRI Your Tualatin & Portland Metro Real Estate

Hi Peter & Linda, Thanks for checking out my WIIW each week! This week, I kinda went out of my norm and spotlighted another neck of the woods..clear across the country! I know if I knew of someone moving to Victoria, they would be in Pfanntastic hands with you guys!

Jul 13, 2011 04:24 PM
Cindy Westfall
Premiere Property Group,LLC Portland Metro & Suburbs Oregon - Tualatin, OR
ABR,GRI Your Tualatin & Portland Metro Real Estate

Hi Tammy, I've been enjoying doing this each week. It's a great way to get out and about and look at things in a different way. I've learned lots more just in doing this.

Jul 13, 2011 04:26 PM
Cindy Westfall
Premiere Property Group,LLC Portland Metro & Suburbs Oregon - Tualatin, OR
ABR,GRI Your Tualatin & Portland Metro Real Estate

Hi John...this was a no brainer for you this week! I love that when I googled Fuller Gardens to look it up..your blog was right there on the first page. Now that's very cool! Thank you my AR friend for playing along each week! You know I really appreciate that.

Jul 13, 2011 04:31 PM
John McCarthy
North Hampton, NH
Realtor - Seacoast NH

Hi Cindy,

Still up with you. I'm trying to get caught up after being out all day! I learned all I know about Google Juice and blogs from Steven Graham at AR University. Regrettably, he has moved on. With his training, I can write almost any blog and be assured of front page on Google, if I want, but a lot of times, I just want to write for my friends on AR. If I'm trying to promote a business or one of the charities, I put it into the format I need to get on the front page. If you need any help with that, let me know. I'm happy to share anything with you, my dear friend.

Jul 13, 2011 07:04 PM
Cindy Westfall
Premiere Property Group,LLC Portland Metro & Suburbs Oregon - Tualatin, OR
ABR,GRI Your Tualatin & Portland Metro Real Estate

Hi John, I also took Steven's class and learned quite a lot. I still write in natural form as I find it hard to insert the same thing several times on many posts. It does work more when you are highlighting an area. I'm always going back into my past posts and tweaking them. You have it down! I'll have to go back to my notes :)

Jul 14, 2011 01:36 PM