Fuller Gardens, answer to Where is it Wednesday...with a twist..somewhere in North Hampton, NH 7/13/11
Yes, it's beautiful Fuller Gardens in North Hampton, NH. As mentioned, this week is not a Portland location..thus the twist. The wonderful thing about blogging and reading others' blogs is that I've gotten to see places that I might never get to and to learn lots about other parts of the country. When I googled Fuller Gardens, Johns Blog came on right on the first page (talk about google juice), Nice going John! As someone who is very knowledgeble in his neck of the woods, Here is the blog post that John McCarthy wrote about Fuller Gardens.
Thanks John for always checking out my Where is it Wednesday each week..or as you've dubbed WIIW.
Congrats to John McCarthy for correctly guessing last weeks Where is it Wednesday's post: Fox Hill Neighborhood 4th of July Parade 2011, answer to Where is it Wednesday...somewhere in Tualatin, Oregon 7/6/11
Each week I'll be posting a new picture on Wednesday morning. The title of the blog will have the City where the picture is taken and I'll post the answer Wednesday evening...not only here on my blog, but on facebook business page (please click like and add yourself there) as well as tweetin it on my Twitter page as well.
***In honor of John McCarthy being my top correct guesser each week, this weeks Where is it Wednesday is in HIS home town.
Do you know where it is? Care to guess? Comments are welcome! I'll post the answer tonight.
Hint: This is a place that John has blogged about..so check it out
Since I've never been to North Hampton and learn about it each week through John's blog, this week picture courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/galfred/with/40567481/
Sundeleaf Plaza, answer to Where is it Wednesday...somewhere in Lake Oswego, Oregon 6/29/11