
You've done your job!! It's time for the closing. What is your ROLE at closing?

Title Insurance with Key Title Corporation 63078


  The realtor plays a very important role in the settlement transaction.  It is the job of the realtor to assist the buyer in obtaining financing, assist the buyer in getting inspections done ordering title work and ultimately getting the deal to closing.

 Ultimately of course, you want this deal to close and you want to collect your commission check. YOU EARNED IT.  

The realtor should always attend the settlement.  The buyer may have questions that the title agent cannot answer.  You have been involved in the transaction from the very beginning and you have been privy to conversations and discussions that may be referenced at settlement. 

On the date of settlement you will want to communicate with your buyer (or seller) to remind them to bring their photo ID, certified funds (buyer), keys (seller) and other pertinent information that may have been requested, such as an original termite certificate or original roof cert. 

At closing, SIT BACK AND RELAX !!!  This is the culmination of all of your hard work.  You have accomplished your goal of getting this deal to closing without losing your sanity.  Be prepared to answer questions that may be posed by your buyer/seller. 

Typically there will be some questions relative to the HUD-1, but hopefully, the title agent would have provided that to you the day before settlement so that you would have already had an opportunity to review it and go over it with the buyer/seller.  There are always questions about keys, garage door openers, alarm codes and the like.  Have that information at your fingertips, if applicable. 

Be courteous to all parties by not conducting future business at the end of this deal. Turn off the cell phone and the pager and give your undivided attention to the task at hand.  Your client will appreciate this courtesy as will the title agent. 

When that last piece of paper has been signed and the funds have been exchanged, congratulate your client, collect your check and get out there and do it all again.

 A parting thought: 

People won't care how much you know until they know how much you care.


Posted by

Charlene Perry
Key Title, Inc. 
35 Fulford Avenue
Bel Air, MD 20104