A couple of weeks ago my son (I'd like to say my baby but he would disown me) turned thirteen. In another month he will start Jr. high and I see him changing daily in moving from boyhood too young manhood.
This last Friday my other son who is twenty-one and lives near Oklahoma City invited my younger son to spend this week with him. So I took him down, spent the night with them and then headed back to Missouri thinking about everything I planned to get done with him gone.
So today I called my younger son to see how he was holding up being away from mom and yep you guessed it, he's having the time of his life and to my utter dismay not missing mom a bit.
I unfortunately can't say the same. I can't wait for him to come home. Let's just face it, to a mom selling a million dollar mansion doesn't hold water to spending time with your little boy.