So you are new to the real estate game or perhaps you just aren't producing the results you were hoping for. Come a little closer and I will tell you the 3 Secret Tools that Successful Real Estate Agents use to improve the chances that their homes sell and faster and at top dollar. You have to click on that Folder Below to see it. Make sure you are sitting because the revelation of this secret has caused a few to faint.
I know, I couldn't believe it either when it was revealed to me. It is that simple. A teenage boy (you may substitute a girl here as well), a lawnmower and a weed whacker.
Here is how you use them
Teenage boy works after school for you for $8 an hour, 10-15 hours a week. That is enough money to go to the pinball arcade, grab a malt with his special gal and maybe pay for that internet thing so he can go on the twitter.
His job duties:
Cut lawns at houses you have up for sale where the owner isn't properly maintaining the property.
Edge. A good edge on a sidewalk or driveway does wonders for curb appeal.
Refill flyer boxes at the same properties. (he is now multi-tasking)
Pick up trash around the house and make sure the newspapers, door hangars and business cards are all thrown away.
Water the lawn in dry climates
What about rainy days?
On rainy days, you have him help you keep your facebook, twitter, linked in, and craigs list profiles up to date. I hear these kids know how to use computers quite well.
Why not a lawn maintenance company?
They cost money. Look we don't need to recreate Augusta National (one of the prettiest golf courses in the world). We need to maintain the current appearance of the property.
How did you come by this knowledge?
I went on a vision quest to the highest peaks in the world. My sherpas guided me to the land few have known and to speak with the wisest soothesayers. That and I take my dog for a mile or 2 walk each morning and see houses that are actively lived in AND up for sale that haven't seen a lawn mower in 3 or 4 weeks.
But that isn't my job
But your job is to get as much commission as you can and the only way you do that is to get houses to sell. So what if you were given a pig to sell. Even the sloppiest pig can help you bring home the bacon.
Now that I know this secret, Should I tell anybody?
Tell no one. We didn't have this conversation. If somebody asks you what we were talking about, tell them that I have an awesome facebook page that you are going to go to right now and like.
Here is the link so that your story sounds believable.!/pages/QuickerListing-Realtor-Tech/107352769350348
Now go and get yourself those 3 tools