
The case for price reductions

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Properties Unlimited

"There's nothing wrong with any property that the right price won't cure"

Thats a quote from Floyd Wickman, famous real estate trainer, and its more true today than ever before.

Good properties that are priced well are still selling. Properties that are in less than ideal locations, ie.. busy roads, power lines, RR tracks will be more affected in this market than properties in "good locations"

The sellers motivation must be there. This is not the time to be testing the market!

Good Selling!!!

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Jeff Kessler
Austin Homes, Realtors - Austin, TX

Good post, Hopefully a lot of Sellers will read this and get the picture,



Oct 17, 2007 02:58 AM
Fred Carver Real Estate Consulant
Retired BC Realtor - Victoria, BC
Accredited Real Estate Consultant

Yes're right, And even homes in off the best locations sell too in a buyers market, it's always price price price. Something the seller is in control of.

Cheers, have an awesome day!

Oct 17, 2007 03:00 AM