With risk that I'll get into trouble with my non-Cowboy loving friends, who can argue that the Dallas Cowboys of the 90's is not a dynasty team? Under the leadership of Hall of Fame Coach Jimmy Johnson, the Dalls Cowboys racked up 3 Super Bowls trophies.
When Jimmy Johnson arrived in Dallas as head coach he was approached by ProBowl guard Nate Newton. Nate told coach Johnson, "Coach, I just want you to know that I am your man". Coach Jimmy Johnson replied, "Yes Nate, you are... at least until I find someone better to replace you".
This truth shared by Coach to Player is not exclusive to the high glamour world of professional sports. It's true to the world of real estate and all other business.
We know the numbers, 95% of home buyers declare they would use and recommend their realtor to friends - 11% actually do. Many factors can contribute to this significant phenomenon. I believe that one of the leading contributors is passivity. The realtor leaves the experience on a high and why shouldn't they? After all, the buyer/seller is ecstatic about the experience. At this important moment in their lives they have an overwhelming appreciation for their realtor. The realtor did their job, their work is complete, or so it seems.
2 years later it's time to up and move again. All along, the realtor in the office next door has been working hard to win over your clients. They blog about their expertise in the industry, they have expanded their sphere of influence using social media, they even take the time to have one on one conversations with their potential clients. In other words, they have positioned themselves as someone to replace you.
Nate Newton had a long and from what I can tell fulfilling career. It seems to me that his approach to football reflected what his coach wanted from him. Natural talent and charisma will only get us so far. An unrelenting desire to be the best at our profession is what will surely bring success.
The top of the mountain is not the pinnacle of achievement. Staying on top is.