
Average temperatures for Phoenix, Arizona

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Exclalibur
Temperature in Grayhawk, DC Ranch & Scottsdale AZ
Average temperatures for the valley

Want to know the weather year round in Grayhawk, DC Ranch and other Scottsdale AZ communities?

Here's a helpful graph to show you the average temperature per month in fahrenheit and celsius as well as the average amount of precipitation per month.

As you can see aside from monsoon and a rare Haboob, we're mostly sunshine.

This would be a Haboob.

Dust storm view from north Scottsdale, AZ
The view of the storm from North Scottsdale, AZ

 Rob Schumacher/The Arizona Republic


Diane Brennan 602-620-2277

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Diane Brennan is Your Voice in Real Estate.  She failed miserably at pursuing a career in Gold Digging and currently helps Canadians and other foreign investors purchase property in Scottsdale, AZ.  She's an expert in the beautiful communities of DC Ranch and Grayhawk and her team includes experts in all areas of the Phoenix metropolitan area.
Read what her clients have to say about her.  Rumor is she knows her stuff and can be quite enjoyable to be around for long periods of time.  Her driving...not so much


Diane Brennan Scottsdale Arizona Realtor


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Will Handley
Progressive Inspection Service - San Juan Capistrano, CA
Certified Master Inspection Services

That is one crazy wind storm....

Sep 25, 2011 08:09 AM