We have launched our GREEN PROJECT here at The Preferred Title Group, Inc. As of July 1, 2011 we are doing all we can to NOT use paper for our files. Each file starts out digitally and continues on through the entire process in a digital fashion. At closing the borrower is given a disk with copies of all pertinent documents, including their title commitment, copies of all documents signed at closing, the location survcey, etc. on it. This has already resulted in a HUGE savings for me in terms of the cost of paper and toner, etc., BUT......
This project has come at a large PERSONAL cost to me; the inability to stick countless little sticky notes on the file that I have reviewed so that I remember (or someone on my staff) remembers to follow up on something critical.
I am an admitted STICKY NOTE ADDICT!!
Luckily, the program tha we are using for our digital files does have a "sticky note" capability, but somehow, it's just not the same. I have become accustomed over the last 25 years to "flagging" with sticky notes every thing in a file that I feel must be addressed prior to writing a title policy. Sometimes the file has one sticky note and sometimes it has 30; it depends on the issues, naturally. I love grabbing that little sticky note and immediately seeing what the issue is with this or that particular document. I think my files look pretty with all of their various little colored sticky notes (haha); and I can tell at a glance which file is going to take the most of my time to clear title.
We still have a few files in the office that are totally paper files, and some of them still have sticky notes!! I am going to be sorry when those have closed and my sticky notes are no longer peeking out from a paper file.
I love the new paperless system for so many reasons, and I really do think it is going to save money and ultimately time. I do think I will overcome my sticky note addiction but it going to be hard. I do think I can get past this though WISH ME LUCK.