I just read the following article in the REALTOR magazine online article "Mortgages for Illegal Immigrants Grow in Popularity" http://www.realtor.org/RMODaily.nsf/pages/News2007100903?OpenDocument. I don't know this sort of shocked me a bit. Lenders evaluate these types of borrowers differently than the "traditional borrower".
So people come to this country illegally, get jobs illegally, and can legally purchase a home with a lender? All the Lending is legal? If the Lender knows they are here illegally how do they bring themselves to loan the money. I don't think I could bring myself to help someone who was here illegally find a home because I would feel like I'm contributing to an illegal act.
I'm sure there are many view on this so shoot me your thoughts. I very interested in them.
April Ferrao