
Word Branch

Services for Real Estate Pros with CRT Commercial Media

Dear Active Rain Friends,

Thank you all for letting me into your world these last few months. I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs and discussing the ups and downs of written communication.

In an effort to streamline my website and postings, I’m making a few changes. I’ll no longer be posting on Active Rain, but my contact information will remain here. I will be updating my website with a new host, and I think it will be a positive change and shouldn’t disrupt business at all.

I’ve enjoyed writing the Daily Writing Tips and will continue to do so under a new name: Word Branch. I chose this new name for several reasons. Branch has multiple meanings and the metaphor works. Words, as individual units, have little impact. But put them together and they form unique shapes. Like every tree is different, so are the configurations of words, and the end result can range from functional to spectacular. A branch is also a small creek that flows into larger bodies of water. It often springs from the earth—like the one that flows next to my house. By itself it is beautiful and full of life. And when it joins with a larger creek it becomes wild and winding. Finally, it flows into a placid river in the valley. Words, too, transform like the branch.

If you subscribe to my email, you will still receive it, and you can also access my blog and tips at If you would rather get Word Branch postings in your inbox, email and put “Sign me up!” in the subject line.

And don’t forget, I work with all types of businesses providing writing services. Look me up at

Thanks for everything! 

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Krista Lombardi
Prudential Calfornia Realty - San Diego, CA

I wish you the best! :)

Jul 26, 2011 04:37 AM
Catherine Rayburn-Trobaugh
CRT Commercial Media - Marble, NC

Thank you!

Jul 26, 2011 07:29 AM