Three years ago I’m sitting at a bar at a tradeshow having a diet coke. Sitting next to me was a very well dressed woman in her early thirties. I introduced myself, she did the same, and we started some small talk related to the show itself, attendees, and our background. It turns out that we were both scheduled to speak at the event that evening.
We had a connection.
We were interested in each other’s perspective and each wanted to know what the other knew. She asked me what my companies toughest sales challenge was. I responded, “Selling value at a price 40% above the competition”. She could hardly believe that we could pull off such a feat. Her biggest challenge was name recognition. She truly believed in her product but was having a hard time getting buyers to listen.
She expressed that she was eager to stay in touch with me and so I handed her a business card. She smiled and said, “That’s so 2000! I want to stay in touch with you, not add your business card to my collection of people that I’ll never get in touch with again.”
That’s when it me. Though I considered myself a social media user, I had failed to take advantage of what social media sites such as LinkedIn have to offer.
She already had her phone out and I pulled mine from my pocket. We connected on LinkedIn, an online business connection where my new contact and I could connect professionally and learn a great deal more about each other than what we ever could have from a printed business card. This new connection has allowed us to share more information with each other over the years than what could have ever been accomplished had she accepted my business card.
If your customers are interested in you, in what you have to offer, if they see you as someone that can help them, then don’t miss on the opportunity to enhance the connection by using social media. How many people can you add to your social network today? How many potential sellers and buyers could benefit from your knowledge and experience? Reach out to them today and increase your sphere of influence. Make your business grow.