
Balancing Business with Family

Home Stager with Stage It Today 40354912
For all of the mothers ofworking moms children that are trying to make this home staging business a success while having their children wrapped around their ankles, I know your pain!  I am trying to balance both areas and boy is it hard!  When I first started my staging business I had no idea how much work was involved in it.  Almost a year later, I find that the more I understand how to run a business from my home, the more I find out just how much I need to learn.  All the while, I am fighting over who gets to use the computer with my son and my daughter is throwing the ball at the back of my head because she wants my attention.  Learning to stop every once in a while and just relax and choose not to talk or even think about my home staging adventure is tough.  I have said from the beginning, If I am successful with this business ten years down the road, then hats off to me and the other home based business mothers because we really worked hard to make this happen!
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Scott Gormley
Oak Valley Mortgage-California Home Loans and Refinancing - Chico, CA

We just had our first child on Nov 21st and this is exactly how we Thanks for the humor..


Dec 03, 2006 11:18 PM
Renée Donohue~Home Photography
Savvy Home Pix - Allegan, MI
Western Michigan Real Estate Photographer
There is an agent mom group that this post would fit great in!
Dec 03, 2006 11:42 PM
Allison Stewart
St.Cloud Homes - Saint Cloud, FL
St. Cloud Fl Realtor, Osceola County Real Estate 407-616-9904



Life skills. Managing family and career. It is a difficult challenge. Covering all your bases and being available to your clients. It is a seven day a week commitment. 

  1. At home, we are Finance Officers,(managing the house)
  2. Policeman (Stop that!) 
  3. Problem solvers   (Mom are gold fish edible?)   
  4.   Stock clerks (Mom                                                                                                                      do we have..?)                                                                                                           
  5.   Secretarys (I need a note for the teacher),  
  6. Office managers  (Do we have construction paper andglue?)     
  7. We're Procurement Coordinators (Honey could you please stop and get... ?)    
  8. and Handymen (she broke it!)   
  9. We are Bankers (Can I have lunch money and allowance?)                                                                       
  10. and we are Rock Stars (sign my homework MOM!)                                                                                     
  11. We are "Housekeeping" (Where are my gym shorts?)                                                                               
  12. We are Restauranteurs (What is for dinner?)                                                                                              
  13.  and we are Nurses ( MOM!  I need a band aid)                                                                                        
  14. We are Nutritionists (No you cannot have candy before dinner!)     
  15. We are Beauticians (Mom can I have a French Braid today?)                                                                  
  16. We  are Economists (Turn off that light!)   
  17. We are  Psycologists (why did you do that?)
  18. We are transportation Coordinators (can I have a ride to Katie's house)                                                        
  19. 8:00am the school bus comes...                                                                                                            
  20. now I am a Realtor!                                                                                                                                                   
  21. 9:00pm the kids are fed, bathed, and ready for bed, homework done and checked                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  22. We are Friends and Lovers to our spouses/mates/significant others...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  23. We are Professional, Working, Women-Organized, Efficient, Well Trained, Educated, and Licensed                    
  24.  We are living, breathing Business Plans...time blocking experts in addition to a typical day we find time to volunteer on occassion in our churches, communities and schools. In addition to that we need to make sure
  25. we do not let ourselves go in the process (hair, nails, chiropractor)                                                              
  26.  Yes. It is all about keeping your head above water, start everyday a little earlier (5am) so you have that "quiet time" to plan and prepare for the day ahead. Schedule your appointments, plan your follow ups, and keep a check list.  
  27. And above all thank your family, for as many demands as they place upon you they inspire you to be all things to all people which is a vital component in being a Realtor! Which makes me really good in my chosen profession. 
  28. How do you manage family and career?        
  29. And YES!!!!!  I mastered making a list on the active Rain blog!  (Meow)  Working my way up to a ROAR for the Lovely wife!
Dec 04, 2006 12:09 AM
Allison Stewart
St.Cloud Homes - Saint Cloud, FL
St. Cloud Fl Realtor, Osceola County Real Estate 407-616-9904

Hi Letitia

I thought you might appreciate an early blog on the topic! I have TWINS- yes TWINS  double trouble, buy one get one free,(I could never resist a sale) and yes, I struggle daily with balance. They are 9 now and very active. But we have mastered time blocking.

When they were babies I ran a FULL time Pet grooming business and it was a L O N G days. 14-16 hours the this is a piece of cake!  You will survive!  I promise, and you will find what works for you. The business MUST succeed to help your family.

Good luck!!!!

Dec 04, 2006 12:12 AM
Letitia Hodenfield
Stage It Today - Rochester, MN
Making Rochester Beautiful One Home At A Time

Thanks Allison,

I think that this passion of mine is here to stay whether I like it or not.  So, I guess I will have to learn how to balance it all.

Dec 04, 2006 12:18 AM

hi letitia,

my family and i are considering moving from the sf bay area to rochester, and since you have such a love for the city, i was hoping you could tell me a little more about it!  links, shops, restaurants, playgroups (i have 2 young daughters)... thanks!

Feb 20, 2007 04:12 PM
Letitia Hodenfield
Stage It Today - Rochester, MN
Making Rochester Beautiful One Home At A Time

Hi Alisyn,

Well, Rochester is nice because it is very family oriented, but growing and expanding for college age people and singles to enjoy their time here,too.  The really nice thing is that we are only an hour from Minneapolis and St. Paul and  there are children's museums, many theatres and attractions to go to.  Here in Rochester, we enjoy the small town atmosphere, where everyone seems to know everyone and we moved here about 10 years ago and I feel like I know everyone who grew up here. The schools are very good and I love being apart of my children's school activities which you can easily get involved in.  I think that you would like this town, let me know if you are moving here and we can get together.  It always helps to have a friend when you move!  Have a great day.

Feb 21, 2007 12:05 AM
Alyse Bromberg
Dressed for Success - Kingston, ON

Letitia and Allison - I hear you!!!!  I have 16 month old TWIN boys AND a 3 year old girl.  Today is one of those days where I'm ready to hand them off to dear husband when he walks in the door!

We just moved to Kingston about a year ago, and before that I was a WOHM as a Social Worker.  Now that I havbe 3 kids under 3 I wanted something that I could do 'somewhat' on my own schedule and work from home...

Oh boy, this is becoming a juggling act already!!!!!!!

Mar 22, 2007 07:51 AM