In 2005 when I started visiting banks and real estate offices everyone would ask me how to raise their credit score in 10 days or less! I would explain that the only way to raise your credit score in 10 days is with rapid rescoring which is great but certainly has limitations. It seems that instant gratification for credit repair is synonomous with "fraudulent credit repair".
That being said, I would explain that credit repair is a process that generally takes between 3-6 months to see the results. Which, I would remind them is not that long of a timeframe, especially if they start to build a pipeline of future business through credit repair.
However, I met a woman from Colorado who was an account executive for a lender who shared a "secret" with me! She stated that using this simple technique (which is completely ethical & legal) could raise someone's score between 5-25 points in as little as 10 days!
Please email me at and I will share this "secret" technique with you for free!