
$50K Equity for $5K - Residential Investments

Real Estate Agent with J. Roberts & Company

If you are one the few individuals that still have a 700+ credit score you can buy your next investment property for $5,000 down. The program is setup so the investor is buying the property at a 20% discount without having to come up with a 10% - 20% down payment. Depending on the property you are potentially getting $25K-$50K instant equity. For $5,000 The investor is put on title and then turns around and refinances the property into their name.

All the properties are purchased as REO's and then are rehabbed prior to the sale at a 20% discount of market value.  In addition, the properties come with a home warranty.

The properties are purchase in "transitional" areas with greater potential value increases.

I like this model and use it in the near future to move some of my own properties.

Mat Curtner, REALTOR

J. Roberts and Company


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Ulises Romo
Realty One Group - Phoenix, AZ
I have heard of great loans still out there from my buddy who is a lender. From the media you would think that no one is loaning any money but that is just not true. And with great deals in your area, many buyers would be wise to buy now and lock in a good rate. Anyway thanks for the post.
Oct 18, 2007 06:19 PM
Bill Exeter
Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC - San Diego, CA
1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange Expert
I completely agree.  The media has blown this lending crisis way out of proportion.  We have to wait until the dust settles and investors calm down before the credit markets will get back to normal.
Dec 16, 2007 05:36 PM