
Commercial BPOs

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart Optima Realty DRE #01454522, 01484133

Hi everyone!  Just curious if any of you have ever conducted commercial BPOs before.  I signed up with a company that conducts commercial BPOs and have been called to do a couple of assignments.  Unfortunately, they were a bit too far and the timeframe was too short so I turned those down.  I've never dealt with commercial but I am willing to I can pull the MLS records for the commercial properties in my area.  Are there any major differences between doing BPOs for residences and commercial properties that I should be aware of?

Tiffany Jefferson (pictured on the right)

Rich Kruse
Gryphon USA, Ltd. - Columbus, OH

I have one lender that I conduct these for.  First, charge more!!!!  I am not going to quote price, but an increase of about 150% of what you might consider charging for residential might be reasonable.

I have not done these with any particular form, but do them in a narrative letter.  It is comprehensive, yet less formal.

Hope that helps.  Good luck


Oct 22, 2007 10:55 AM
The Jefferson Team
HomeSmart Optima Realty - Oakley, CA
Exclusive Listing Agents

Thank you Rich!  The fee was something else I was wondering about.  150% of residential sounds good!


Oct 24, 2007 05:42 AM
Rich Kruse
Gryphon USA, Ltd. - Columbus, OH
I meant residential charge + 150%.
Oct 24, 2007 10:30 AM