Are too many real estate signs an eyesore? You have all been at a major intersection with so many signs posted on any given corner, that it becomes confusing, and an eyesore. Does anyone actually read them, or is anyone able to read them with so much coming at them all at once?
In addition to watching the traffic, waiting for the light to change, changing the radio station or changing CDs, or having a conversation with their co-pilot, or maybe talking to their kids in the back seat, how can anyone pay attention to these signs posted on top of each other?
In addition to the OPEN HOUSE Signs, the NEW SUBDIVISIONS this way, GARAGE SALE, now we have HANDY MAN services available and PUPPIES FOR SALE.
Isn't there a better way to target your potential buyers. I think so, without creating such distractions. And please, pick up your signs if you do post them so that the are not used as a target for the next Joe Landscaper to come and hit them with their mower to make an even bigger mess....