
Searching the MLS for Melbourne Homes under $100,000

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Paradise, Satellite Beach, FL

Melbourne Homes under $100000"Can you help us find Melbourne Homes under $100000?"  If I had a quarter for every time I heard a Real Estate Investor or First Time Home Buyer ask that question, I'd be a very wealthy Realtor.  The fact is, there are a number of Melbourne Homes under $100000.  As of today a simple comb through the MLS of all mainland properties (single family, detached, active MLS listings) from Viera to West Melbourne, reveals a grand total of 129 Melbourne homes under $100000.

This number includes "normal" sales, short-sales, bank owned properties, handyman specials and homes located in 55+ communities.  If you're considering and investment property or search for Melbourne Homes under $100000 the best way is to request a free automated MLS Listing Cart.

Contact me and I'll get you all set up.  It takes a whopping 10 minutes.  I'll ask you about the criteria you desire, plug it into the data base and that's it.  Guess what?  It doesn't have to be Melbourne Homes under $100000.  We can set up an automated MLS query to search for Luxury home in Satellite Beach, Cocoa Beach, Indian Harbour Beach or Merritt Island.  We can look for $200 - $300 homes in Viera or Suntree as well.  Anywhere in Brevard County, we have you covered.  I can even help find Melbourne Homes under $100000, if you're truly interested.

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  Joseph E. Robinson III, GRI, e-Pro Realtor®
Licensed Florida Real Estate Sales Associate
Coldwell Banker Paradise®
232 5th Ave., Indialantic, FL 32903
321-300-6876 - Mobile, Text Message


Chandler Real Estate Liz Harris, MBA
Liz Harris Realty - Chandler, AZ

Homes under $100K are certainly desirable in today's market!

Aug 04, 2011 04:54 PM
Robin Sherman - Grand Points Realty - Pensacola, FL
Search Pensacola Homes, For Sale - Pensacola FL Neighborhoods

Homes priced under $100,000 in Florida are probably more available than people think. It's great to offer a good IDX option for potential clients. Best of luck Joseph!


Aug 04, 2011 05:11 PM
Phil Leng
Retired - Kirkland, WA
Phil Leng - Retired

Hi Joseph,

Nice post!

The best part of real estate to me is helping a first time buyer who thought they could not ever get a home.

There is a satisfaction to that bigger than money...


Aug 04, 2011 05:27 PM